Tales from the Practice of Medicine: The Rhythm of Life

Yu Min

PureInsight | March 3, 2003

[PureInsight.org] The two articles in the series entitled "The Moon and the Human Body" [1] and "A Clinical Case Regarding the Vital Organ Clock" [2] gave brilliant descriptions of the effects of the waxing and waning of the moon on the human body, as well as the effects of time on the energy flow within the human body.

Where there is life, there is rhythm. The rhythm of life is as constant and stable as the rise and fall of the sun, or the tide that ebbs and flows regularly each day. Doesn't the same rhythm that regulates the movement of the sun and the tide also regulate our heartbeat and breathing? Every life in the universe has its own rhythm, such as the phases of the moon, the changing of the four seasons, the rotation of the planets, or the revolution of the planets around the sun.

Even plants have their own respective rhythms, too. Take the harvests from a fruit tree as an example. The Chinese have discovered that fruit harvests are rich every other year. In other words, a large fruit harvest one year would be followed by a small harvest the following year. It goes in a two-year cycle. Even the soil has its rhythm.

A German doctor once shared with me over dinner his views on Beethoven's music. While tapping the table with his hand in the rhythm of Beethoven's Symphony No. 5 in C minor ("Fate") Op. 67, he said, "The knocking of Fate in this music has a rhythm identical to the heartbeat of a man with heart disease." This showed that the rhythm of music honestly reflects the sentiments and rhythm of the human body.

Someone once did an experiment on the effect of rhythm on a man. They had a person cooped up in a house where he was free to do anything he liked, but he was denied the knowledge of time. There was no watch or clock available to him. Even his meals were delivered to him at random hours, giving him no hint of time. After a month the subject became mentally unstable. Time implies rhythm. Upset the rhythm and life will be in chaos.

The disappearance of the rhythm that regulates the circulation of vital energy in a human body is as deadly as if stopping the rotations of the planets. Similarly, the disappearance of the rhythm that regulates the ebb and flow of the tide is as deadly as the stopping of the heartbeat of heaven and earth. Where there is no rhythm, there is no life. A life without rhythm would be like dead water without ripples.

[1] http://www.pureinsight.org/pi/articles/2003/1/20/1359.html
[2] http://www.pureinsight.org/pi/articles/2003/2/17/1454.html

Translated from: http://www.zhengjian.org/zj/articles/2003/2/17/20445.html

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