• One year after worshipping the Buddha of Majesty, during a morning meditation, Mo Cai saw the priest carrying a backpack and walking towards the distance. Everywhere he went, there was a flicker of light, and his tall figure in the golden light made Mo Cai feel particularly close to him. Watching…
  • In the ninth year of worshipping of the Great Buddha, during the spring Buddhist ceremony, Mo Cai paid her respects to the Great Buddha and saw another Buddha appearing next to him, with great dignity. Mo Cai told the priest about the Buddha she had seen, and the priest said, "This is the…
  • The next day of the Buddhist ceremony, Mo Cai went to see the priest and, following the etiquette of bowing to the gods and buddhas, bowed to Meng Gang. Meng Gang asked, "Princess, what have you learned?" Mo Cai replied, "During the ceremony requesting the arrival of the great Buddha…
  • Regarding the altar, day by day it was cracking open, revealing the stones inside. Mo Le thanked the heavens for this blessing and once again vowed to build the Golden Pagoda with a devout heart. Mo Le selected eight hundred young Venida (meaning unmarried young men with a strong and unyielding…
  • After three years, which was the ninth year since the construction of the first golden tower, Mo Cai dreamt of the Giant Buddha again. The Giant Buddha looked at her with compassion, and Mo Cai was filled with joy and excitement.
  • Mo Cai returned to the capital and was overjoyed to see her sister-in-law and nephew. After resting and bathing, she went to see the priest Meng Gang. Upon seeing him, Mo Cai could not help but shed tears. The priest's face was very serene, and his kind gaze stopped Mo Cai's tears.
  • King Gang Le of the Modi Kingdom led his troops to defeat the Jule Kingdom and headed south, killing, burning, and looting along the way. With swift movements, they arrived at the capital of Jule Kingdom. At the city gate, they encountered resistance, but after breaking through, Gang Le was…
  • This is the third year since Mo Cai arrived in the Kingdom of Jule. The young King of Modi, Gang Le, challenged Jule, and Dai Le decided to lead his troops out to meet them in battle. In the temple, Dai Le bowed down to the gods and prayed for their protection. Yue Chen saw that the thread of fate…
  • Mo Cai has reached the age to get married, but she evaluates nobles based on her brother's qualities and manners, and she hasn't found anyone she likes. However, she is still very happy to be with her brother, sister-in-law, and her cute nephew. Life is beautiful.
  • After the construction of the Buddha tower, the divine power of Mo Le was repeatedly propagated by the giants, and his name spread to other countries. Some countries were dissatisfied with Motian Kingdom and came to challenge it.
  • During meditation, Meng Gang saw countless deities and buddhas in the sky, gazing upon the capital city of the Motian Kingdom. Knowing that various immortals were helping in the construction of the pagoda, Meng Gang requested that the King issue a decree for the whole country to sincerely recite…
  • When the foundation of the Buddhist pagoda was dug, Meng Gang saw five larger lotus flowers spiraling inside, and fairies dressed in colorful clothes flew out of the flowers, holding various magical instruments that emitted radiant light. After seeing this scene, Meng Gang suggested to Mo Le that…
  • Mo Le began preparing to build a tower and selected eight hundred unmarried men with good looks, excellent character, and strength from all over the country. They were all about 5.2meters tall. At that time, the warriors were called "Venida" (warriors on the earth, with the meaning of…
  • Before the tower was built, there was a nursery rhyme circulating in Bishi City, the capital of the Motian Kingdom, "The monkey has courage, the eagle has a stick. These two treasures are different, and all the glory of the world belongs to the king. Fortune, prosperity, and longevity will be…
  • There is a divine bird named Ju Que in the Sky Palace. It has white feathers, a black circle around its neck, a black beak, a flexible neck that turns its eyes around mischievously. One day, Ju Que stood on the railing of the heavenly pond, looking at the scenery in the pond as if searching for…
  • After receiving guidance from the divine, siblings Mo Le and Mo Cai decided to build a Buddhist pagoda. Little did they know, in the celestial realm, various gods and immortals had gathered to discuss the matter of constructing the pagoda. This was because building a pagoda held great significance…
  • After the establishment of the Motian Kingdom, Mo Tan summoned wise and capable individuals to assign them official positions, plan regulations, and establish systems to ensure that everything was orderly.
  • In the previous section, it was mentioned that the Five-Colored Lotus Queen and the Thunderbolt Vajra had a predestined relationship, and as they descended to different levels, they took on different forms. However, only the Lotus Queen and the Thunderbolt Vajra are relevant to the Pyramid, so we…
  • The Great Pyramid of Egypt has stood in the desert for countless years, silently watching over the world and waiting for something. Is it waiting for its former master to unveil its mysterious veil? Today, let me use the wisdom I have gained through the practice of Falun Dafa to restore the history…
  • The most famous site in the El Tajin pre-Hispanic city is the Niched Pyramid. The tower is a square seven-layer cake, with each side of the base measuring about 40 meters. The pyramid is about 18 meters tall, with a base length of 27 meters. On the east side of the pyramid, there are steep stone…
  • The Hollywood blockbuster "2012" has aroused people's attention to the end of the world. The Mayan prophecy and everything related to Mayan culture have once again attracted people's enthusiastic attention.
  • I am a Dafa practitioner and I am 84 years old. During my practice, I understood many high-level Fa principles by studying the works of Master Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Gong.
    Fang Hua from Heilongjiang, edited by practitioners
  • The mysterious puzzle surrounding the Great Pyramid of Giza has never ceased, and the magical power of the pyramid has always been fascinating, especially in regards to its hidden meanings.
  • 227 kilometers north of the Sudanese capital Khartoum, amidst golden sand dunes, there is a cluster of small pyramids known as the Meroë pyramids. These were built by pharaohs of the Kushite kingdom between the 7th and 3rd centuries BCE. They were only discovered by Western archaeologists in the…
  • Located at the foot of the Helan Mountains in the western suburbs of Yinchuan, Ningxia province, the Western Xia Imperial Tombs is one of the largest and best-preserved imperial tomb complexes in China. It is known as the "Eastern Pyramid" and is comparable to the Ming Tombs in Beijing…
  • In 1985, a diving tour guide unexpectedly discovered an ancient ruin on the seafloor near the island of Yonaguni, Japan. The site includes ten nearby buildings on Yonaguni Island and five related buildings near the main island of Okinawa, including a castle, a triumphal arch, five temples, and at…
  • In the summer of 2011, in July, my husband, daughter and I took a two and a half day trip to Dalian. When I saw the sea for the first time, a sense of joy and lightness welled up inside me, and I could not help but exclaimed in my heart, "I'm here!" It was a subtle yet familiar…
  • The Dulan Ancient Tomb is located in Reshui Township, Dulan County, Haixi Mongolian-Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province, at the southeastern end of the Qaidam Basin. In history, it was the political, economic, and cultural center of the TuYuHun ancient kingdom, and also an important…
  • As one of the four ancient civilizations in the world, China has all history of building structures similar in form and nature to the pyramids of Egypt and the Maya. According to archaeological and documentary records, China also has "pyramid" architecture.
  • When I was binding truth clarification booklets one day, I had a strip of staples, which I picked up and put aside. At this moment, the staples spoke, "You, write about me. I was a monk from Taipei in my previous life.” I was stunned for a moment, thinking to myself, “Why did the monk…
  • Before I obtained the Fa, my body was very weak, and for a long time I couldn't sleep for entire nights. Every night I needed to take sleeping pills. Every day I felt groggy. I weighed only 90 pounds (approx. 41 kg). In the spring of 1998, when I went out to exercise, I saw a big banner under…
    Jing, a Falun Dafa Disciple in Heilongjiang, China
  • Since the term "near-death experience" was coined in 1975 by American MD Raymond Moody in his book "Life After Life", many scientists have started research in this field, and studied a large number of cases.
    Xiao Liu
  • This story is the previous life account of an individual working in the media. This individual is a descendant of an English soldier. In the 1880s, the English had set up a colony in Australia to exile convicts.
    A Dafa Disciple in China
  • About a month or so prior to writing this article, a friend of mine wanted to see the ocean with me. It was dusk, and the tide was receding. The moon was rising, yet the sun had yet to fully set. Gazing out at the ocean, I could not help but think of some verses from a classical Chinese poem: “As…
    Xiao Lian
  • This is a story about a little cat. I was living at one of my girlfriend's relative's places. A really cute and active cat lives in her house. Whenever we practice the exercises or send forth righteous thoughts, the cat becomes very quiet and lies down nearby. After we finish the…
    Xiao Lian
  • This is a lesson about a cultivator who, in this lifetime when Dafa is widely disseminated in the world, was unable to obtain a human body because he had unintentionally undermined the Buddha Fa in the past. I hope that fellow cultivators and people of the world who have not obtained the Fa do not…
    Xiao Lian
  • Since the beings in heaven are all very, very capable, when their lives have undergone great corruption, their negative side is revealed. Many of these beings have arranged a complete set of ways to save themselves. Since they are also mixed in with many bad factors, their arrangements have become…
    Xiao Lian
  • As a cultivator, we all know that our compassionate Master is trying to save us. Therefore, our bodies can become healthy; our minds can open; we have the wisdom that can clearly see history and everything in the world; and we have invincible and indefatigable righteous thoughts and righteous…
    Xiao Lian
  • My neighbor Ms. Zhao, who sold oden at the shop, disappeared for several days. She was hard-working and would not close her shop for no reason, especially since she had two children attending school. While I was just pondering this, she showed up the next day.
    Qing He
  • Preface: As the Fa rectification progresses, so do I continuously upgrade my xinxing in Dafa cultivation, assimilating myself to the universe's principles of Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance, and as such, my wisdom deepens and my capabilities strengthen. Dafa has revealed to me, at my…
    Dao Ming, a Falun Dafa practitioner in mainland China
  • Very few people know that in the universe there exists unlimited high density/frequency energy, and our human body has the ability to resonate with these energies, it is just not well understood by modern science. In this video we will introduce several very astonishing experiments to explain the…
    A Dafa Disciple in the United States
  • Preface: As the Fa rectification progresses, so do I continuously upgrade my xinxing in Dafa cultivation, assimilating myself to the universe's principles of Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance, and as such, my wisdom deepens and my capabilities strengthen. Dafa has revealed to me, at my…
    Dao Ming, a Falun Dafa practitioner in mainland China
  • Dragons are a mythological creature in legends from China and southeast Asia. They symbolize auspiciousness. Dragons represent the Chinese and southeast Asian ethnicities. As part of the divinely-imparted culture, the legend of the dragon has been passed down for thousands of years. So are dragons…
    Dao Ming, a Falun Dafa practitioner in mainland China
  • Crystal skulls are a riddle of this century, captivating archaeologists, scientists, and museum staff. People have been debating this topic for more than 100 years. To date, nobody has been able to accurately understand the true purpose and use of these skulls. Many people think these crystal…
    Dao Ming, a Falun Dafa practitioner in mainland China
  • In the long river of history, China's 5,000-year-old splendid, glorious civilization served as China's orthodox culture. For thousands of years, this divinely-bestowed culture has steadily been passed down throughout all spheres of Shenzhou, the Divine Land. Today, I will talk about my…
    Dao Ming, a Falun Dafa practitioner in mainland China
  • Preface: As the Fa rectification progresses, so do I continuously upgrade my xinxing in Dafa cultivation, assimilating myself to the universe's principles of Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance, and as such, my wisdom deepens and my capabilities strengthen. Dafa has revealed to me, at my…
    Dao Ming, a Falun Dafa practitioner in mainland China
  • As the Fa rectification progresses, so do I continuously upgrade my xinxing in Dafa cultivation, assimilating myself to the universe's principles of Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance, and as such, my wisdom deepens and my capabilities strengthen. Dafa has revealed to me, at my realm of…
    Dao Ming, a Falun Dafa practitioner in mainland China
  • Objective: Falun Gong (FLG) is a practice of mind and body focusing on moral character improvement along with meditative exercises. This 2002 pilot study explored perceived health status, medical resource utilization and related factors among Taiwanese FLG practitioners, compared to the general…
    Yu-Whuei Hu (1), Li-Shan Huang (2), Eric J. Yeh (3), Mai He (4)
  • Preface: As the Fa rectification progresses, so do I continuously upgrade my xinxing in Dafa cultivation, assimilating myself to the universe's principles of Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance, and as such, my wisdom deepens and my capabilities strengthen. Dafa has revealed to me, at my…
    Dao Ming, a Falun Dafa practitioner in mainland China
  • Preface: As the Fa rectification progresses, so do I continuously upgrade my xinxing in Dafa cultivation, assimilating myself to the universe's principles of Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance, and as such, my wisdom deepens and my capabilities strengthen. Dafa has revealed to me, at my…
    Dao Ming, a Falun Dafa practitioner in mainland China