Revelations Revisited

A North American Practitioner

PureInsight | October 6, 2003

[] Not too long ago, PureInsight printed an article that highlighted a certain aspect of the Book of Revelations, the period commonly known as "the 42 months." To give credence to this prophecy, one must consider the historical phenomena at that time; an era during which an apostle named John wrote these stories. John supposedly did his writing in a cave-like structure on the Island of Patmos, in present-day Greece, where he had been banned because of his faith. Together with other prisoners he had to do hard labor in the mines.

The word revelation itself is considered an unveiling, when, according to historical belief, God himself makes relevant truths known to men. This unveiling is perceived as two kinds – general and specific. General revelation is deemed available to all humanity and is communicated through nature, conscience and the progression of history. Specific revelation is given to particular people at a select time in history. Could this not portend profound revelations as stated in the book Zhuan Falun?

John wrote these prophecies eons ago, for a specific audience, in a specific place, and they are now considered classical literature rather than a valid prophesy for this present day and age. Master Li had reminded us already that historical forecasts of disasters that were to befall us, as told in the old prophecies, are no longer valid.

Nevertheless, John at that epic time was believed to be a brother and helper to those who had been persecuted for their faith. His stories were written for those people, addressing their specific but diverse needs at that age in history. He had claimed to have had these visions as recounted in the Book of Revelations, but also claimed to have been under duress to transcribe these visions immediately, before he had time to reflect on them. These stories were meant for a group of churches in an area what is now called Turkey in Asia Minor.

Some modern people insist that these stories are mere reflections of life and prevailing thought during that era in the Roman Empire to which Turkey belonged. Other sources claim that the stories are reflections of people's spiritual life from the beginning of time until consummation. Most sources do agree that Revelations represents a dramatic picture of the conflict in the "last" battle between good and evil, a battle that is waged in every age and not merely during a certain historical period.

No one can deny that humanity right now is experiencing a critical era once again, where evil is considered tolerable and virtue is looked upon as an outdated, old-fashioned attribute. Such thinking goes against the laws of nature. To find out more, particularly why this mindset is detrimental to people in today's society, and to learn ways to live a rewarding life of inner joy, virtue and mental peace and to reawaken the spiritual side of man, one can read the book Zhuan Falun, which is so much more valuable than The Book of Revelation, because the former is a roadmap to heaven, while the latter makes nice reading, but not much more.

The Internet; New Compact Bible Dictionary

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