Heavenly Courage

A U.K. Dafa Practitioner

PureInsight | June 28, 2004


Layer by layer this mortal step to stop;
Hell within hell, through demon sputum drop.
Dirt upon dirt collects this mortal frame;
Life upon life forgets our noble aim.
Bond after bond tied in blood and sweat;
Death after death, each lifetime with regret.
Sin by sin the heavy weight of debt,
Pull by pull, drags down desires' net.

One by one each being Master saves;
Bowl by bowl each poison debt repays.
Blow by blow each old arrangement falls.
Thought by thought life's true aim recalls.
Word by word, truth shreds apart each lie,
Horde by horde, the rotten demons die.
Vow by vow, each hearts' true wish awakes;
Step by step each path immortal makes.

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