A Self-Flattering Skeleton and the Chinese Communist Party

Yi Zhi

PureInsight | March 28, 2005

[PureInsight.org] There is an amusing story recorded in the Second Volume of The Sequel of the Unspeakable (Xu Zi Bu Yu.) Once upon a time in ancient China, there was a Buddhist monastery on a mountain in Suzhou. One day a man surnamed Wang from Yanzhou traveled to Suzhou and stayed temporarily at the monastery. One day in broad daylight, Wang heard a mumbling voice from under the ground. He suspected someone might have been buried alive underground. He told the monks what he had heard and together they started digging at the spot where Wang heard the voice. They found a rotten coffin five feet underground with a full human skeleton inside and nothing else. Thus they closed the coffin and filled the hole in the ground. After a while, they began to hear someone talking from under the ground again. Everyone put one ear close to the ground and tried to identify what the voice was saying, but no one could comprehend the message. One of the monks suggested, "Monk De Yin lives in the west chamber. He is a revered cultivator and understands the language of the ghost. Why don't we ask for his help?" Thus Wang and the monks brought Monk De Yin over. De Yin lay on the ground and listened to the voice for a while. Then he got up and said, "Ignore it. This ghost was a prominent official who enjoyed flattery before he died. Now that no one is around to flatter it, so it keeps flattering itself in the coffin." Everyone burst into laughter and left. Then the voice gradually diminished.

It is such a pity when prominent officials or politicians become consumed by their attachments to fame and personal interest and fail to do their job to protect welfare of the people. People are given power generally because they have accumulated virtue in their previous lives. But when they abuse their power, they lose their virtue. A man in high power might receive much flattery from people with ulterior motives, but no one would bother to flatter him any more after he died. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has committed countless most inconceivable crimes and, in doing so, it has brought China to its doom. After five decades, the Chinese people have now seen through the CCP's evil nature. Fewer and fewer people are interested in repeating its lies about its self-proclaimed "great accomplishments." The CCP keeps proclaiming itself through its controlled media year after year. How does the CCP differ from the skeleton in the monastery that kept flattering itself?

The CCP possessed by evil spirits has brainwashed the minds of the Chinese people in order to make them believe in its lies about its accomplishments and repeat these lies to flatter the CCP. In fact, the CCP has spared no expense to attain this goal. While the controlled Chinese media outlets repeatedly broadcast the disgusting flattery about the CCP, the CCP has created an illusion that everything is fine and dandy in Mainland China. Yet behind the costly disguise lay the truth of the Chinese people's misery, sadness and helplessness.

The evil spirits of the CCP: It is your prerogative to incessantly proclaim yourself for the accomplishments that never existed. But the truth is that you have committed all crimes, some of which people can imagine, some of which people can't even imagine. What awaits you is the same fate of the self-flattering skeleton that ended up being ignored and dismissed by everyone.

Translated from: http://www.zhengjian.org/zj/articles/2005/3/22/31650.html

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