Cultivation Experiences from the Zhen-Shan-Ren Art Exhibition in Sweden

A Dafa practitioner from Sweden

PureInsight | April 22, 2012

Experience Sharing at the 2011 European Fa Conference

[] Dear revered Master, dear fellow practitioners,

I will share a few of my experiences while working with the Zhen-Shan-Ren art exhibition.

Our Zhen-Shan-Ren art group in Sweden is composed of a few practitioners who regularly work with finding venues where we can show the profound art exhibition that can save sentient beings. We understand the paintings can reach out to people and touch them in a special way, compared to the spoken word. Many people are deeply touched when they see the paintings.

We meet on Thursdays via the internet chat software Sonant to study the Fa and exchange experiences. Several times a year, we meet personally. As a result we become stronger and can solve problems or make breakthroughs when obstacles occur.

Searching for a venue in Gothenburg is an example of such a breakthrough. For a year, our attempts to apply for a venue in the city library were unsuccessful. By meeting physically to discuss the issue, we felt that an obstacle was eliminated. We then wrote a reminder to the venue manager and suddenly a reply came to inform us that the venue was available in three weeks.

Meanwhile we reminded ourselves that practitioners in London had been facing problems in looking for a theater for Shen Yun shows last spring. Eventually their persistence paid off. They got a week at the best theater in London. From this, I learned the importance of sharing experiences with fellow practitioners.

Now we had a good venue, but we faced another obstacle to get the paintings. The practitioner who stored the paintings in his home had passed away and nothing in his home could be removed before the inventory of properties was made. According to the lawyer, it could take several months.

It was a difficult situation and we felt sadness over the loss of a fellow practitioner. But we still had to move forward since there was suddenly a venue for the exhibition and the opening was just a couple of weeks away.

We discussed and cultivated on the issue and decided that we should have trust in Master. This fantastic chance cannot be rejected, even though we did not know if we could have access to the paintings in time.

We clarified the truth to the lawyer and others concerned and then sent forth righteous thoughts. All issues were resolved in the end. When we were firm and pure in our minds, we received the help that we needed, and the paintings were available in time.

We were all very happy to join the art exhibition group. Art has always interested us and we have learned more about Dafa art. We overcame our shyness when we contacted museums, art galleries, etc. If the applications for venues were rejected, I felt depressed by my attachments and human thinking, instead of realizing that by being a Dafa practitioner I should have strong belief in the paintings and my righteous thoughts, and resolve the problem from the perspective of the Fa.

To be a part of the art group that organized an exhibition felt great and holy for me. At the same time, I felt how Master allowed me to see my shortcomings at the first art exhibition. Before making the necessary preparations for the exhibit, we had discussed within the group that it would be good if all practitioners could function as guides for the visitors. Many human thoughts appeared; for example I worried that I am not good at expressing myself, and other excuses. I knew that these thoughts would not get me anywhere. Instead, I should remember Master’s words in Zhuan Falun: “When it’s difficult to endure, you can endure it. When it’s impossible to do, you can do it.”

Thanks to Master’s arrangements, the day came when I, for the first time, would try to be a guide as there was no one else available. An elderly man literally rushed into the exhibition hall and cried, “Is this something holy? What is it you are doing?” Instantly I became clear in my mind in order to be able to handle him properly. I started, calmly and in full control, to talk about the paintings and clarified the truth thoroughly as I showed him around.

He said, “Now that you have talked to me so nicely, tell me about all the paintings.” After the tour, the man expressed his hope that the persecution would end soon. When he went, he said, “Imagine if I hadn’t walked by here, I would have never seen such a magnificent exhibition!” All the paintings are magnificent and they are our tools for saving sentient beings. During the tour I felt Master’s presence and how He carefully guided me.

The exhibition was a success. With a large display window facing the avenue in the neighborhood of the public library and national art museum, we could reach all types of people. Many told us that the paintings from the window attracted them. According to the visitor counter, the average number of visitors was 400 per day.

The next exhibition came shortly after and it was different. The art gallery was located in a beautiful place, but rather isolated in the middle of Sweden. We discussed the situation and several practitioners said that we should go ahead with the exhibition, because we had not held any Fa-rectification activity in the region before.

When the suggestion of this gallery on the outskirts of Hedemora came up, I felt highly sceptical. It was a difficult situation for me because I felt that the venue did not meet a high enough standard. In addition, how could people find us? I excluded myself from a few meetings but then I remembered how Master asked us to cooperate. However, the situation made me uncomfortable.

After some contemplation I joined the group again to work on the exhibition in Hedemora. When I decided to join in again, everything began to progress. Recently I had a wish to link all practitioners together, both geographically and across different projects. It is an opportunity for us to reach out with information about the exhibition, contact the media, set up posters, visit tourist bureaus, etc.

I contacted a practitioner who lived in another area to see if we could cooperate on this. Initially I thought that I might be a nuisance but then I discarded the thought. Later I understood that by working together, it would provide renewed power and contribute to new ideas.

The event became several wonderful days in the Swedish region of Dalarna. On the way to the area where the exhibition took place, I heard there were not many visitors. So it surprised us that the exhibition led to many newspaper and radio reports.

Those who came to the exhibition were all very touched and they loved it. I felt that I came closer to both the visitors and the paintings. A woman said directly when she entered the exhibition that the exhibition radiated a strong energy that she could feel in her whole body and the whole region benefited. She rang her husband and some friends and told them to come.

Looking at the painting “Lotus Lights,” she suddenly said that the girl who was tortured was so calm because she had nothing to fear while the abuser had everything to fear. Many people understood the message in the paintings. She was thankful that the swastika had returned! The people who came were stunned by the messages in the paintings and thanked us for coming to such a distant place.

A practitioner who contacted different newspapers in the area thought that it was important to find out who would usually report on this kind of event and asked to talk to those particular reporters. All the media in the whole area, including the radio, came to report on the event after she had spoken to them and sent them the press release and pictures of the exhibition. They all wrote good reports.

Several practitioners came to act as guides and had positive experiences at the exhibition in Hedemora. Of course the venue could be bigger, more people could have come, but the place was very beautiful.

To sum it up, when we cooperate well in a project, we get help, even if the initial conditions are not the best. Together we did a good job in contacting the media and reached practically the whole region of Dalarna.

Thank you to benevolent Master and to all!


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