This Is Eternity

An Australian Practitioner

PureInsight | June 21, 2004


This is the life
we are destined to lead,
this is the Fa
in every word and deed.
This is the Age
under blinded veil,
this is the way
100 million sails.

This is the darkness
before the dawn,
this is the maze
into which we are born.

This is the truth
coming to light,
Dafa's persecution
now an end in sight.
This is the hour
such crimes no more,
this is eternity
the Great Buddha Law.

This is the darkness
fading before the dawn,
this is the promise
for which we are born.

This is the day
when compassion reigns,
this is the realm
no heart can feign.
This is the world
where clouds subside,
this is our horizon
near and wide.

This is the call
we have longed to hear,
this is the future
with nothing to fear.
This is the time
many prophets foresaw,
this is eternity
the Great Buddha Law.

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