Dreams and Reality: A Man Condemned to Ni Li Circle of Hell

Tai Ping, Ed.

PureInsight | July 5, 2004

[PureInsight.org] [Series Note: What is a dream? According to modern science, a dream is the cerebral cortex's meaningless response to random stimuli from the brain stem during sleep. Many people, however, have vividly seen things, signs, images, other forms of life, or events from other dimensions in their dreams that later actually took place in reality. Modern science cannot explain these phenomena. In fact, the cultivation community believes that dreams are, in general, a reality of other dimensions. When entering other dimensions during sleep, what we see in some dreams are what our Main Spirits actually see or beings outside of the human dimension allow them to see. Of course, there are other complex reasons why dreams occur, and many dreams may have no direct relation to the dreamers. The following stories are some historical accounts of strange dreams that cannot yet be explained by modern science.]

Fu Yi, a Tai Shi Ling (a high-level government official position) of the Tang dynasty, was from Tai Yuan region. He moved to Fu Feng at the end of the Sui Dynasty. He was a learned man since youth and had even studied astronomy, history and mathematics in addition the regular subject. From the Emperor Gao Zu's Wude Era (618 – 626 A.D.) to Emperor Tai Zong's Zhenguan Era (626 – 649 A.D.) [1], Fu Yi had been a Tai Shi Ling for more than twenty years. He did not believe in Buddhist doctrines. He looked down on Buddhist monks and had even used terracotta Buddha statues as bricks.

At that time, Fu Yi, Fu Renjun and Xue Ji all held the same position of Tai Shi Ling. Xue Ji owed Fu Renjun five thousand cents, but he failed to repay Renjun before he passed away. One night, Xue Ji dreamed of Renjun, who talked the same way as when he was alive. Xue Ji then asked Renjun, "To whom should I pay back the money I owe you?" Renjun replied, "You can pay it to the man condemned to Ni Li." (Note: Ni Li is an extremely appalling circle of Hell in Buddhism.) Xue Ji asked, "Who is the man condemned to Ni Li?" Renjun answered, "The Tai Shi Ling Fu Yi is the man condemned to Ni Li." Then Xue Ji woke up.

That same night, another government official named Feng Changming had a dream. In the dream, he went to a place where the dead gathered. Feng Changming asked, "According to Buddha's scriptures, the good and the bad will be rewarded accordingly. Is this true or not?" The dead answered, "Of course it's true." Then Changming asked, "What will happen to someone like Fu Yi who does not believe in Buddhist scriptures after he dies?" The dead answered, "The good and the bad will surely be rewarded accordingly. As for Fu Yi, he has already been condemned to the Ni Li circle of hell."

The next morning, Feng Changming met Xue Ji in the royal court and told him about the dream he had. Xue Ji also told Changming his dream about the man condemned to Ni Li. They found to their surprise that their dreams that occurred on the same night were very similar. Both of them came to believe that the good and the evil must be rewarded and one cannot deny that principle. Xue Ji paid the money back to Fu Yi and told him about the dream. Several days later, Fu Yi suddenly died. On the day of his death, so many horrible things happened that they were hard to number.

Fu Yi, the Tai Shi Ling, had slandered the Buddha all his life and was condemned to hell to pay back his karma of slandering Buddha. Similarly, many people in China are persecuting Falun Buddha Fa (or Falun Dafa), and Falun Dafa cultivators. If these people do not stop persecuting and slandering Falun Dafa and Dafa disciples, they will certainly come to a more miserable end than Fu Yi. What awaits them will be the gate of no-life.

Source: Recording of the Underworld Retribution of the Tang Dynasty (or Ming Bao Ji in Chinese pinyin)

[1] Era name was an East Asian imperial practice of numbering years in an emperor's reign. It originated as a motto or slogan chosen by the emperor. Emperor Gao Zu and Emperor Tai Zong of the Tang Dynasty each reigned for an era: Wude Era (618 – 626 A.D.) and Zhenguan Era (626 – 649 A.D.) respectively. But it is very common for a Chinese emperor to have multiple eras. A similar practice was followed in the United Kingdom until quite recently. Acts of Parliament used to be dated according to the years of the reign of the reigning Monarch, so that "61 & 62 Vict c. 37" refers to the Local Government (Ireland) Act 1898 passed in the session of Parliament in the 61st/62nd year of Queen Victoria.

Translated from: http://www.zhengjian.org/zj/articles/2004/5/29/26837.html

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