Tales from the Practice of Medicine: Pursuit

Yu Lin

PureInsight | April 14, 2003

(PureInsight.org) She sat in the waiting room in my medical clinic, busy looking for something in her overstuffed purse. I watched her take out a comb, several lipsticks, a wallet, a small notebook, a pack of chewing gum, and many other personal items from her small purse. In fact, the purse was so stuffed that you could not even squeeze a needle into it. I quietly waited by the door for her to finish her search.

When she finally noticed me, excitement immediately registered on her face. She has been my regular patient for years. She would come seek my medical treatments for all sorts of trivial medical symptoms, such as headaches or flu. Lately, she hasn't visited either her family doctor, who is a friend of mine, or my clinic. I wondered what had brought her here this time.

She tried to get up, but sat down immediately and had to grab onto the arms of the chair to prevent herself from collapsing. It was a hint to me that her fatigue might have returned. I immediately approached her and helped her into the examining room.

As soon as she sat down in the examining room, she started to chat away. She talked about everything from weather, restaurant, apparel, to shoes. She became all the more excited as she continued to chat. Finally, I found a chance to remind her to explain to me the reason for her visit. She said, "Doctor, I have absolutely no idea what was wrong with me. As soon as I arrived at this room, I felt so alive and well. I could talk without any difficulty again. If I go to a different place, I feel so dizzy that I could swoon at anytime. I haven't felt this comfortable for a long time."

I could not understand exactly what she meant by "a different place" so I asked her to explain it in detail. Then she told me when and where the fatigue started.

An old friend of hers recently lost his wife, and was left with a luxurious mansion. She was enamored by his money and very eager to "fill the spot" to be the lady of the mansion. To reach the goal, she frequented the mansion to spend more time with her old friend. However, she experienced fatigue every time she stayed at the mansion. She could eat and sleep fine, but she could not stand up without feeling fatigue. I don't think she understood that the sign of fatigue was a warning or a reminder to her (of her less-than-honorable motive). However, the last time she experienced fatigue, she had sought me out. This was why she came to me now. After she finished telling the story, she seemed to have suddenly realized something because she said, "You have explained to me before that what we have in life is pre-destined. I guess you must be right. I am not pre-destined to be the lady of the mansion, but I pursued it and look what has happened to me." I applied two acupuncture needles below her ears, and her fatigue went away.

The following poem summarizes what I told her after the treatment:

You live in a big wide world when you are content with what you own, and in a narrow one when you are not.
It is of no use pursuing wealth and fame because they are pre-destined.
If you are pre-destined to own something, you acquire it without any effort.
If you are not pre-destined to own something, you will encounter tremendous obstacles pursuing it.
Persistent pursuits do not win you things that you are not pre-destined to own in life.

Translated from: http://www.zhengjian.org/zj/articles/2003/2/27/20583.html

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