Are Black Holes Spinning?

Damon Noto, M.D.

PureInsight | July 15, 2002

A recent article in the July 2002 issue of Discover magazine discussed the subject of black holes. However, the editors of the magazine started the article with a discussion they titled "Believing in Science." Currently many people believe that all of what modern science knows and states as facts are indisputable truths that will never change and should never be challenged. The reality surprisingly is just the opposite. Many of the current beliefs that modern science purports to be facts and scientifically accurate are in fact nothing more than beliefs. Let me give you an example. If, 25 years ago, a scientist had presented a paper or a lecture stating that black holes existed and that they were all over the universe he would have been the laughing stock of the entire scientific community. It's also quite possible that his scientific career could have been ruined. In fact Einstein himself never believed that black holes could exist. However, if a scientist gave a talk today and said that black holes don't exist it would be even worse for him and he would definitely be considered crazy.

Surprisingly the truth is that even though scientists now believe that black holes most certainly exist, to this day they have still never been directly observed. Modern science currently just believes it to be true and asks everyone else to believe the same. The same is true for an electron, proton, quark or neutrino. "We assume subatomic particles exist based on heaps of experimental evidence, but we don't have instruments sensitive enough to allow us to pick up one of them and stare at it." "Science requires an interesting kind of faith" the authors of Discover magazine stated. Many people also don't realize that many scientists don't agree with each other about what is actual fact or not fact. For instance, if you ask a scientist what an electron looks like or how it acts, you will probably get many different answers. Most physicists today don't believe that electrons are as simple as being just a particle. Many of them believe that they are something like a cloudlike field of energy, while others believe that they are something like a wave. Still others believe that they are all three things at once. But none of them really know for sure because they have never been seen directly by modern science. If you ask three different physicists, you will get three different answers. Yet everyone believes that they exist. Why? This is because everyone today believes in modern science and its ability to explain everything in the universe. As for black holes, they too have never been seen directly but science currently holds that they exist.

Currently, modern science holds that everything in the universe is in motion. However, our human eyes see the world as being still and motionless. This is one of the greatest lies or tricks that our human eyes play on us. To a human being who doesn't know any better, everything in the universe is still and solid including the human body, walls, the Earth, and the universe itself. Yet we now know that could not be further from the truth. The Earth is rotating around the sun, the Milky Way galaxy is rotating, all molecules in the human body are moving and the universe is expanding. The eyes deceive us everyday but many people today still believe in the saying "seeing is believing." Another article in Discover magazine entitled "Much Ado about Nothing" talked about how the human body appears to be a solid object to human beings when in actuality science believes that a human body is mostly space. They wrote, "At least 99.995% of the mass of each atom resides in a tiny nucleus composed of protons and neutrons. If a typical atom were the size of a football field, the nucleus would be a grain of salt at midfield. A cloud of electrons would mark the atom's outer bounds; the rest is a void. The only reason you cannot reach right through a wall is because negatively charged electrons in your hand repel like-charged electrons in the wall. Although you may feel solid, you are mostly emptiness. The same goes for the Earth and even the sun." Cultivators and religions have known for centuries that the flesh eyes of man are deceiving him. Science is merely catching up with and affirming what has been stated by cultivators for thousands of years.

Many scientists once thought that the only thing in the universe that might not be in motion is a black hole. To many of their surprise, new research has found this to be false. A black hole recently found in the middle of galaxy MCG-6-30-15 is believed to be spinning. In fact, scientists now believe that this black hole is spinning nearly at the speed of light and while it's spinning, it is dragging space-time with it. It is estimated that the black hole in MCG-6-30-15 has the mass of 100 million times our sun, a circumference of more than 100 million miles and completing one rotation every hour and forty-five minutes. The black hole is spinning so fast that it is warping space-time around it. This finding is confirming what many scientists have believed about the existence of multiple dimensions. Scientists now believe that there are probable spinning black holes all over the universe with millions of black holes existing in our very own Milky Way galaxy.

Figure 1. A representation of a black hole warping space-time (Discover Magazine, July 2002, p. 34)

The teachings of Falun Dafa have talked about this phenomenon of how things in the universe are in motion and rotating. Science currently also knows that everything is rotating. In Zhuan Falun it is written "the universe is in motion, and all of the universe's Milky Ways and galaxies are also in motion. The nine planets orbit the sun, and Earth also rotates by itself. Think about it, everyone: Who's pushing them? Who has given them the force?" These are questions that modern science dares not ask because they know they currently have no way to answer them. Modern science can only study something that it can detect or observe with some type of apparatus or with the human eye that it knows can very well be deceiving in and of itself. Modern science has many obstacles to overcome before it will be able to answer questions as profound as these.

#1. "Believing in science." Discover Magazine July 2002; Vol. 23, no. 7, p. 31
#2. Berman, Bob. "Much Ado about Nothing." Discover Magazine July 2002; Vol. 23,
no. 7, p. 28
#3. Kunzig, Robert. "Black Holes Spin?" Discover Magazine July 2002; Vol. 23, no. 7
p. 33

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