Report of the Phone Calling Promotion Group from Tainan, Taiwan

PureInsight | December 23, 2002

Xu Shangqin
For Fa-rectification Dafa disciples, the three most important things at present are to study the Fa well, send forth righteous thoughts and clarify the truth to the Chinese people in Mainland China. We must carry out these three things as a unified entity. These three things are based on the Fa of the cosmos: Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance. Studying the Fa well includes also sending forth righteous thoughts and clarifying the truth on a grand scale. Sending forth righteous thoughts includes also studying the Fa well and clarifying the truth with compassion. Clarifying the truth on a grand scale includes also studying the Fa well and sending forth righteous thoughts.

The cultivation of Fa-rectification period Dafa disciples is achieved as one whole body. Yet, we shouldn't include in our understanding of the whole body those practitioners who have not kept up with Teacher's requirements for today's Fa-rectification disciple. Teacher is very merciful. Therefore Dafa disciples must form one whole body and be attuned to each other (but not in an ordinary human way). It is clear to us that it requires a unified entity to by successful in carrying out these three things: studying the Fa well, sending forth righteous thoughts and telling the true facts about Falun Gong. We should steadily implement and practice these three things. We also should look after everyone, so that everyone can be one with the whole body; and that everyone can truly step forward from humanness and display our compassion.

Clarifying the true facts to the Chinese in Mainland China is something every Dafa disciple should do. Yet, many practitioners are clarifying the truth as an everyday person, and not as a Dafa particle. Isn't this because they have not let go of attachments, such as the human thinking, that determine how they perceive the world around them, as well as selfishness? Therefore, to harmonize and temper you, everyone must become part of the whole. We stress that everyone must be part of the whole body, being responsible to everyone, always view oneself as a part of the whole body and let go of oneself. Then, offering salvation to sentient beings through clarifying the truth is not dependent on one person, not dependent on if a given person can do a good job or not.

A year ago, when I made phone calls to clarify the truth, I realized that making phone calls was not as easy as I had thought. I had to dial many times using different numbers. It was frustrating as I either dialed the wrong number, the line was busy or the number was non-existent. Did my calling make a difference? There were people who hung up on me. Had I not been able to understand the Fa from within the Fa, it would have been rather difficult to continue making phone calls to China. In the past when I studied Zhuan Falun I realized that I had still a lot of attachments. When I made a mistake, I tried various ways to correct it, but with an ordinary person's mind, instead of understanding it from within the Fa, that is adhering to the Fa principles, and truly letting go. The difficulty I encountered while making phone calls should have been the wake-up call to look within myself. The telephone is a simple and convenient tool. Isn't it true that the simpler the tool, the more profound and overwhelming the principle behind it, the more likely is it to be neglected? The more one neglects the tool, the more fearful one will become. At that time, no one asked or encouraged practitioners to make phone calls. There was no phone calling group. Therefore, we formed a phone-calling group, asked for participation from other practitioners, as well as encouraged practitioners to make phone calls.

Chen Yunru
When the phone-calling group started to call on other practitioners to participate in this activity, it designated three days per week for practitioners to make phone calls. However, very few practitioners showed up in support of this effort. After looking inward, we realized that we had not let go of our human behavior and our intentions were still based on a personal and passive mind-set. We had waited in a designated location. Yet, no one showed up, so we ended up making phone calls by ourselves.

After that, we approached our call for help differently. We looked for practitioners we knew who had been successful and asked them to write down their technique in how to approach people on the phone, that is, give us guidelines. We made copies for everyone to use as a reference. It was a rather large manual. Some of the information was in a professional radio broadcaster's format. Some was in a dialogue format that was eloquent and lengthy. Yet we were unable to motivate everyone to make phone calls. Everyone felt that the undertaking was extremely difficult. Thus, we searched inward for where we had yet again failed, and we realized that we had based our approach on our individual principles, instead of looking from the outside in as to how other practitioners would view every aspect of the process and as to how the whole body could work as one. We realized that the most effective way is very simple and easy to implement. We should rely on our original true selves, our true being, in trying to convince others of the importance of the phone-calling activity.

We realized that we should go forward with the simplest method. The telephone is a very convenient tool to clarify the truth. The telephone is everywhere. Therefore, everyone can be a member of the phone calling group. We held meetings during which we encouraged everyone to participate in making phone calls. For example, at the beginning we had a "clarifying the truth in one minute". After a while, we had a "clarifying the truth in three minutes". After another while we had "breaking the lies and clarifying the truth". Instead of the manual, we had a single sheet of paper with guidelines for people to follow. The information included how to use phone cards, phone number information in Mainland China and the contents of phone conservations. From the beginning one needed only three sentences to explain the truth of the staged-immolation. We did everything in our power to assist practitioners to eliminate obstacles of their basic human side so that it become easier to make phone calls.

We began by having some practitioners use these guidelines to make phone calls. They then proceeded to write two draft outlines for practitioners who were not willing to use our other instructions as a reference. We knew that we had found the right approach when everyone participated in the phone-calling undertaking. The emphasis was not on the content of the phone conversation, but on the caller's true intentions. We found that if one spoke from the heart in encouraging everyone to make phone calls, one was successful. Suddenly, one person made phone calls, then two persons made phone calls, and so on. The message was passed from one person to the next person, and passed from the heart. Gradually everyone understood the value of the undertaking and began to make phone calls.

Under the arrangement of the Gaoxiong City Assistant center, we went during the holidays to other cities and counties, such as Gaosiong, Pingdong, Taipei, Xinying, Taizhong, Fengyuan and Jiayi to advance the importance of our project. We used a half-day Fa study activity or one day Fa study activity to promote the phone calling activities. We also suggested that they form a phone calling sponsoring group. Besides, we continued to detail the importance of this activity in our local area during regular group activity. We visited Fa study groups and/or exercise sites in Tainan City and Tainan Counties, talked about our effort, and explained our understanding of how to improve ourselves as one whole body.

The project caught on and many counties and cities formed phone calling sponsoring groups. For example, Gaoxiong and Taipei also held Fa-study experience sharing activities in how to make phone calls. Practitioners experienced in making phone calls demonstrated how to make phone calls in order to motivate other practitioners to become active participants. To gain a better understanding, practitioners also took turns making phone calls during those activities. After return to their practice sites, practitioners who had participated in the Fa-study activity shared their experience and understanding with many other practitioners.

In Tainan, other groups that were actively telling the truth on the internet, were mailing truth clarifying articles and were visiting tourist attractions sites to tell the truth also joined us in our effort. They then continued to tell others about the phone-calling activities at Fa study or exercise sites.

I discovered, in attending experience sharing meetings with practitioners at different locations, how to approach the phone-calling activity differently, that is, to understand this activity with a different perspective. For most practitioners it became an individual activity, instead of a group activity. They did not mobilize other practitioners to participate in the activity. They were still viewing this activity with human thoughts instead of from within the Fa. They were looking at it from an individual point of view instead of considering the whole body of practitioners. They considered only continuing well individually, that is, how good I was at making phone calls, and how I was able to positively influence other people's perceptions of Falun Gong. They were still viewing the process as a human, i.e., from a personal point of view and as their own experience. They did not assimilate into the whole body and did not display their compassion.

In page 375 of Zhuan Falun: "One finds that the legs are gone, and cannot think where the legs went; the body is also gone; the arms are also gone; the hands are also gone—only the head is left. As one keeps practicing, one finds that the head is gone as well, leaving only one's own mind, a little thought that one is practicing here. It is sufficient if we can achieve this state. Why is this? When one practices in this state, the body is being fully transformed, and it is the optimum state." My personal understanding is that when one participates in the Fa-rectification process as one body, one's human notions and assumptions will gradually disappear. The power of the whole body will harmonize and temper the individual practitioner.

Li Yinxue
There are many tools we can use to clarify the true facts. My personal understanding is that Zhuan Falun directly targets one's mind. Zhuan Falun points out that "To tell you the truth, the entire cultivation process for a practitioner is one of constantly giving up human attachments." The entire cultivation process for a practitioner is one of giving up human attachments. When there is something we are afraid to do or dare not to do, we should overcome it by ourselves, we should face it. I joined the phone-calling group for one reason alone; I had still not let go of the attachment of fear. Fear permeated my whole being; fear drove my actions; and fear governed my life. Yes, I was filled with an indescribable fear. I had already practiced cultivation for three-plus years, yet I was more afraid than new practitioners. I felt I had not been sufficiently diligent in my cultivation. Actually, now new practitioners and veteran practitioners are all on the same footing. In "Teaching the Fa at the Washington, D.C. International Fa Conference," Master Li said, "In terms of obtaining the Fa today, everyone is treated the same, whether they were looked after or not." I understand this that at present, it does not matter if you are old or young. It doesn't matter if you have obtained the Fa for a long time or a short time ago. We can all do a good job during the Fa-rectification.

In the past, Thursday nights were my nights to practice with my choral group. That changed, as now we use the opportunity to study the Fa together, send forth righteous thought and clarify the truth. We mail VCD's, surf the net, send faxes and make phone calls. At the beginning, when practitioners came to participate in this activity, they just mailed VCD's and nobody used the three telephones. I encouraged practitioners and told them: "People with the greatest attachment of fear must overcome it and make phone calls." Those experienced in making phone calls illustrated to those who were inexperienced, thus, everyone progressively became accustomed to making phone calls. It was not surprise that later on people had to wait in long lines to make phone calls.

In this environment, my attachment of fear gradually disappeared. In this environment I saw the Fa harmonizing and tempering practitioners. Even though some practitioners' mind had not met the standard, I'm certain that in this environment, everyone will gradually meet that standard. It is not that you teach him how to do it and he will be able to do it, instead it is the environment that forges and molds him, giving him the confidence to participate in the phone calling activities eventually. For example, my mother does not speak Mandarin Chinese. I taught her to speak Mandarin Chinese word by word. Later, she actually was able to make phone calls. She said that she was not afraid at all, she just could not pronounce the words well. Now she not only just makes phone calls, she has gained the confidence to improve on other activities. She used to only stamp the envelope and put the truth clarifying material and VCDs in the envelope for mailing, now she is able to write the address in Chinese on the envelope. Practitioners at my practice site did not participate in clarifying the truth at all. I encouraged them to come and participate in this environment, to discover how to work together. Gradually they were also able to make phone calls.

I suggest that in order to promote phone calling activities we can create an environment where everyone will gain confidence and experience gradually. Assistants should help practitioners. First, they should cultivate genuinely, and participate in the activity earnestly. If they still are afraid themselves, how can they help other practitioners. Teacher also mentioned the principle of not taking a detour. It must be that a lot of practitioners are dealing with this problem. I also realized that I and many fellow practitioners had this shortcoming. When everyone has the same problem, we will be able to eliminate it in such an environment and thus improve ourselves together.

Wu Jiace
I'm talking to those practitioners who are similar to me, who have obtained the Fa not too long ago, who do not speak eloquently and who speak Mandarin Chinese with a strong Taiwanese accent.

After I obtained the Fa, I stumbled on the three most important tasks of a Fa-rectification disciple: studying the Fa, sending forth righteous thoughts and clarifying the truth. Particularly, after reading "Daohang" and "Touring North America to Teach the Fa," I kept wondering whether I was qualified to be a Fa-rectification Dafa disciple. I was worried to the point that I could not sleep soundly; I tossed and turned all night. I knew that Master had given us the immense task to clarify the truth to Chinese in Mainland China. Yet I did no more than mailing some VCD's to Mainland China. I felt deeply ashamed. Mostly, after listening to all the activities other practitioners were involved in, my feeling of ineffectiveness intensified and I thought to myself, "Master has given us so much and endured so much for us, yet what have I done? What is my contribution? Minimal and insignificant! Did I let Master Li down? Did I let myself down?"

At that time the assistant at our practice site introduced the phone-calling project and encouraged us to make phone calls to clarify the truth. Mr. Yang from the Nannong practice site wrote a one-page instruction sheet for clarifying the truth in half a minute. This was a wake-up call for me. I had found a way to contribute more. I made up my mind immediately to make phone calls, to clarify the truth and to catch up with the Fa-rectification process. I remember clearly the first time I picked up the phone, although I was certain that I would make phone calls, I remained silent for a while. After the phone was answered, I picked up the instruction sheet and read it rapidly to the listener. Then I immediately hung up. My heart was beating rapidly. I was ill at ease during the first week of making phone calls. I was mocked and ridiculed. People hung up on me. My international calls did not go through or the phone was not answered. I began to think that I was not cut out to make phone calls.

I picked up my courage and I made daily phone calls. I suddenly discovered that my fear had gradually lessened. When somebody ridiculed me, I was unaffected and my mind stayed calm. When someone asked questions, I could answer them. At times, when someone hung up, my inner voice told me to call back, and I did.

Although my Mandarin Chinese is not that great I had the courage to make phone calls. My wife who speaks better Mandarin Chinese also joined me in making phone calls. I made a phone call, then she made a call. I realized that she was better than I in explaining the truth. Even my sixteen-teen year daughter, after hearing us making phone calls, joined our effort and made phone calls.

I realized that the calmer my mind, the better the effect on making phone calls, and the smoother the effort. Therefore before making phone calls, we studied the Fa and sent forth righteous thoughts first.

However, since I worked during the day, our family used evenings for our Fa-rectification activities. We began to study the Fa around 7 pm. We made phone calls around 8 pm. At 9 pm we send forth righteous thoughts. Then we addressed envelopes for the VCD-mailing project.

The biggest change over the past three months is that I grew less impatient and my terrible temper lessened considerably. I did not realize this until I heard my wife say: "It is really strange. How come my husband no longer has temper attacks around me? Even though I'm the one who has provoked and been disrespectful to him." I was clearly aware of being impatient and of having a bad temper. I worked on it, but found it not easy at all. I had practiced Buddism for six years and had failed to change my bad habits. Yet, I was able to change myself through Fa-study, sending forth righteous thoughts and in clarifying the truth facts during the past three months. It is indeed incredible. Doesn't this also show the mighty power of Dafa?

Finally, I would like to ask those practitioners, who have not obtained the Fa until just recently and who do not speak eloquently, to step forward and participate in making phone calls and to clarify the truth. As long as our hearts are in this, all problems can be overcome.

Ou Suzhen
I began clarifying the truth about Falun Gong two months after I obtained Dafa. At that time, based on my understanding of assisting Teacher in safeguarding the Fa, I called the Public Security Bureaus, those who denigrate Dafa and the people who persecute Dafa practitioners in Mainland China. Giving voice to my feelings of indignation, I asked them in a stern voice to treat Falun Gong practitioners fairly and justly. I made many personal phone calls. Some of my fellow practitioners are a bit afraid of making such calls, but they feel that I have done a good job, so they have given me their phone cards.

I did not realize until the phone-calling group was set up that practitioners as a unified entity were asked to do three things: study the Fa well, send forth righteous thoughts and clarify the truth about Falun Gong. In my understanding this includes the important task of making phone calls collectively, as a group. Therefore, I participated in encouraging practitioners to form a phone-calling group and tried to motivate everyone to make phone calls to clarify the truth, even if only a minute were available. From then on, I was no longer alone in making the phone calls.

The plan for making telephone calls was put into operation at my practice site in Tainan. Although I am not an assistant, I shared my phone calling experience during a group Fa study. I had bought some pre-paid phone cards for the group and a practitioner provided a fax machine, a telephone set and two computers. The group was now ready to make phone calls in this special truth-clarifying environment. To get everyone started, I wrote a short guide of how to use the prepaid phone cards and posted the fax and telephone numbers of the people to be contacted in Mainland China on the bulletin board. I gave the group hands on training in how to operate the fax machine and how to make the phone calls. I provided for everyone the impetus to come to this environment daily and to clarify the truth about Falun Gong. When we began to send faxes, we found that we had not let go of our human way of thinking. For example, there were times when we became impatient because we could not connect to a fax number. We should have calmly followed down the phone numbers on the list. Instead, we jumped over numbers, causing us to miss some numbers. It was confusing, as we did not remember which fax numbers connected, which fax numbers were missed and which fax number received the information. We looked at the issue from within the Fa and thus changed our attitude, becoming more patient. We dialed the numbers in order.

For the morning exercise site group, I made a simple guide for each phone card. I made a list of five phone numbers for each phone card. I told my fellow practitioner who were given these phone cards that there were five lords or kings, or five groups of people or five villages on this list that were waiting to be saved. Teacher told us in the article "Righteous Thoughts", "Dafa disciples are now sentient beings' only, sole hope for salvation. So, in order to do Fa-rectification more effectively, while you clarify the facts you have to take sending righteous thoughts very seriously…" Therefore, together with fellow practitioners, I will continue to send forth righteous thoughts and clarify the truth in keeping with the Fa's requirements. We will achieve our own cultivation as we help save sentient beings.

Yang Jinyan
I am glad to share with you how I changed from being afraid of making the phone calls to motivating others to make phone calls.

For clarifying the truth, I only mailed VCD's to China. I was one of those people who were too afraid to pick up the phone and make this important phone call. I'm sure you wonder why? I was too timid to speak. Everyone in my Fa study and the exercise group was aware of my fear of speaking. After Teacher's article "Hurry Up and Tell Them" was published, I realized that I must change. I could no longer be timid and I must be able to speak freely. My sister-in-law encouraged me to make telephone calls and clarify the truth. I was still too timid, and feared that my Mandarin was not up to par and that my verbal communication was poor. I was unable to face this issue head-on and not quite ready yet to overcome this shortcoming.

As you can imagine, when I gathered enough courage, picked up the phone, and dialed my first number, I was very apprehensive. I thought that I would be better off just faxing the information. Fortunately, the line connected and was answered. I read the words quickly, said goodbye, and hung up. Later, after I calmed down, I thought that because I was clarifying the truth, I should talk slowly. From then on, I spoke slowly and even asked the listeners whether they could hear me clearly.

One time, it happened that the person who picked up my call was also a practitioner. He asked me, "What have you been doing lately?" I said, "I call Mainland China to clarify the truth whenever I have time." He said that it was very good. During some other calls, the parties on the other side said that they had felt Falun Gong was good until the government had told them otherwise. I then clarified the truth and also told them about the mental and physical benefits I obtained from practicing Falun Gong. They listened to me and appeared to change their mind since they said that now they also felt again that Falun Gong is good. They thanked me for telling them the truth and asked me to come to visit when I had the opportunity. Once, after patiently listening to me telling them the truth about Falun Gong, the other party said that he really appreciated my calling and telling him the truth. Thus, I am convinced that they have actually been waiting for us to call them and tell them the truth about Falun Gong.

Although I am not an assistant, my greatest wish is that everyone could make phone calls. This gave me the impetus to encourage telephone calling among the practitioners at my exercise site. Every day, I asked my fellow practitioners whether they had made any phone calls. There were still quite a few practitioners who were too timid to make the phone calls. I went to their homes to show them how to be successful in making phone calls. After several visits they had become full-fledge phone callers, had good phone calling skills, and visited other practitioners at their homes to tutor phone-calling skills.
I still call daily. I have become an avid caller. My fear and anxieties have gradually disappeared. I joined the phone call promoting group and visited Fa study and/or exercise sites. I also traveled to other counties and cities to promote the phone calling activities. I feel that my xinxing has continuously improved and many of my attachments have been eliminated because of making phone calls and clarifying the truth. This is also a great cultivation opportunity that Teacher gave us. Teacher again showed his great compassion. I contemplated deeply and experienced profound feelings a few days ago during the embracing the Falun exercise. I saw that many of my fellow practitioners had not been diligent and had not caught up with the Fa-rectification process. I really wished now that I had paused and read with them several times Teacher's article "Fa-Rectification Period Dafa Disciples." I sincerely hope that they will all catch up with the Fa-rectification process and truly live up to the name of Fa-rectification period Dafa disciples. I realized that each Dafa practitioner should be compassionate enough to help those practitioners who have fallen behind, so that all practitioners can progress as a whole. We will thus not disappoint Teacher, given his compassion in saving us.
I sincerely hope that more Dafa practitioners will join the effort of making the phone calls to clarify the truth and save sentient beings. Time is getting away from us, minute by minute and second by second. We should all make full use of the time and hurry up and tell them the truth.

Finally, I wish to quote the poem "Solid Cultivation" in Hong Yin. I with to motivate both myself and my fellow practitioners.

Solid Cultivation

Study the Fa and obtain the Fa,
Share in learning and share in cultivating,
Following [the Fa] in everything,
Compliance is cultivation.

Chen Xiuxia
From Fa study, I believe that Fa-rectification Dafa practitioners are great, because they are diligent in studying the Fa, send forth righteous thoughts unerringly and clarify the truth conscientiously. Not only are they doing Dafa work, they also are busy in their everyday human work. Dafa practitioners are role models and pillars of society.

When I listened to fellow practitioners talk about their experiences in making phone calls to clarify the truth at national or international experience sharing conferences, I felt terribly inadequate. I was sure I would not be successful. They appeared to have a much better understanding of the Fa and spoke so much more fluently than I ever could. I was certain that I could not be effective, nor that I could be convincing in telling the truth.

During our general practice site discussions, some practitioners felt that we were not actively involved in clarifying the truth at our location. I saw a way for me to avoid making phone calls, so I always digressed from the subject of telling the truth to the Chinese people in Mainland China. I said that I saw no difference between clarifying the truth in Taiwan versus outside of Taiwan.

Not until Teacher's article on hurrying up and telling them the truth was published did I feel any urgency to contribute to this effort. I was shocked after reading this article and felt that it was high time for me to begin making the calls and telling them the true situation. At that time, I knew in my heart that since making phone calls was a simple and yet effective means for clarifying the facts, I should start with it right away. After making phone calls, I shared my experience with fellow practitioners at my practice site and thus motivated them to also make phone calls and clarify the truth.

One Sunday after the Tainan phone calling-group had been in action for some time, I attended a sizeable group experience sharing conference. The phone calling group talked about their experiences making one-minute truth clarification calls. It made me intensely glad to hear their report. Yet, once I returned home, I once again experienced my old fear when I picked up the phone. This fear effectively stopped me from making truth clarifying calls.

Some days later, a practitioner from my family had a calling list from which he made phone calls, while my aunt and I listened in. He said: "How are you doing? I am calling from overseas. Please listen to me for half a minute. I would like to give you good news. There is an exercise that can enable a person to become healthy, both mentally and physically. Outside China, there are over 60 countries where people practice this exercise, and the exercise is legal in these countries. The exercise is Falun Gong. Falun Gong is not a cult. Master Li Hongzhi is truly a good man. He and his Falun Gong have been awarded over 800 awards internationally. Please do not be fooled by your government's television and media reports. Thank you!" He dialed several numbers and the parties on the other side were all listening intently.

After he finished his calls, he asked me to give it a try. My fear stopped me from taking advantage of this gracious offer. However his continued gentle prodding gave me the courage to send faxes. Sometimes when sending a fax, the other party picked up the phone instead and said hello. My fear stopped me and I also had no idea what to say. My aunt nudged me on and told me to read the guide-lines. To my surprise I read the words without hesitation and my listener was rather polite. The next day, I wrote down my experience and distributed copies to my fellow practitioners. I told them that it was actually quite simple to make phone calls to clarify the truth. Other practitioners found also that they overcame their reluctance to speak on the phone after the initial phone call and it became easier with time. Thus, even more practitioners after seeing that their fellow practitioners overcame their fear became active in the phone-calling truth clarification. What a positive influence on other practitioners! The entire practice site became avid truth clarifying phone callers.

Recently, during an experience sharing meeting with fellow practitioners, we were asked what helped us to overcome our deep-seated fear. They also wanted to understand how those with limited understanding of the principles of the Fa stepped forward to share the experience of making phone calls. My answer was threefold: First, we whole-heartedly wanted to clarify the truth; secondly we genuinely wanted to save sentient beings; and lastly, we believe that it was Teacher's mighty power that let us, given our shortcomings, succeed in this endeavor. As an afterthought I also said that it most likely was meant to help me eliminate attachments I could not overcome since I started practicing Falun Gong. Remember I used to have a paralyzing fear, which is an attachment. Clarifying the truth was the impetus in eliminating this fear.

Teacher said in Zhuan Falun, "You may have seen interference from a relative who has passed away, and this person cries and begs you to do this or that. All kinds of things can happen. Will your mind stay unaffected?" We also have given up that attachment. This also reminded me of Teacher's words in "Fa-Rectification Period Dafa Disciples", "…it was arranged that when you reach the standard for ordinary Consummation, you still have, in the human world, all kinds of ordinary human thoughts and karma. The purpose is so that while doing Fa-rectification things you bring in, through your clarifying the truth and for the consummation of your paradises, beings that can be saved. As you consummate your own paradises you are, at the same time, eliminating your last karma, gradually getting rid of your human thoughts, and truly stepping forward from humanness. Most fundamentally, you all still need to establish your great mighty virtue in the process of shattering the old forces' persecution…"

I strongly believe that clarifying the truth is in its very last stage, thus, we hope that those practitioners who have already stepped forward will help those practitioners who have not stepped forward. We hope that they will urge them to hurry up and tell the truth, so that we can take the last step towards consummation as a whole.

Zheng Shunqian
Whatever we do for Dafa, we walk within Dafa, one step at a time. It is all part of our cultivation. Many of us have uncertainties about our cultivation path. How does Teacher show us the way within this Fa? Teacher told us in the "Fa-Lecture at the Conference in Florida, U.S.A.", "One is your Fa-study, one is sending forth righteous thoughts, and the other is about how clarifying the truth…" With these specific words, Teacher is pointing us in the direction we should take.

We all are disciples within Dafa. We should help each another so we can improve continuously within Dafa. It is not that only a few practitioners cultivate to a very high level and all others are left behind. That is not the advancement as a whole. It should be that all practitioners advance within the Fa together. Presently, the process of Fa-rectification is a concerted effort by all disciples. So is our effort in studying the Fa, clarifying the truth and sending forth righteous thoughts.

Each of us is a small particle of Dafa. Dafa is complete in itself. We should make an effort to cultivate ourselves well. My fellow practitioners may have much experience to share given their activities in clarifying the truth, such as internet chat, phone calls, and mailing truth-clarifying materials. They have also constantly improved themselves and have eliminated many attachments, including fear, indifference, zealotry, jealousy and complacency. Should we carry these attachments to consummation? In the process of getting rid of attachments, Teacher is pointing us in the right direction. Within the whole body, every Dafa practitioner is constantly purifying himself, thus enabling the whole to be radiant and pure. In the article "Congratulatory Statement to the New York Fa Conference" Teacher said, "…in history's future, everything of yours that is pure and righteous will be what ensures that the colossal firmament has formation and stasis, but not destruction."

We still have much we have to let go of. Our main purpose today is to exchange experience with fellow practitioners, so that we can all make a concerted effort to progress together.

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