Tales from the Practice of Medicine: (Part VII) The Moon and the Human Body

Shi Yukun

PureInsight | January 20, 2003

[PureInsight.org] The moon's periodic changes affect human beings. The most obvious example is the menstrual period of women. Under normal conditions, a woman's period occurs every 28 days, exactly in between a sidereal month (the time between maximum elevations of a fixed star as seen from the Moon, which is approximately 27 days) and a lunar month (29 days).

The moon's cycle is also related to when human beings are born. Most babies are born just after the full moon.

The phase of the moon plays a role on human beings' mental states. Ancient Babylonians referred to patients with mental disorders as "lunatics," which means having diseases that are influenced by the moon. Today, this word is frequently used in the U.S. Studies have shown that psychopaths have a higher tendency to exhibit mental disorders during the full moon.

The moon also affects a person's mood. The full moon can cause one to feel anxious, nervous, disturbed and develop hallucinations. In addition, during the full moon, people have a higher tendency to relive their past memories, making them feel sad and depressed. Many poets composed some of their best work during the full moon.

An ancient Chinese book Common Questions: Theory on Eight Divinities says, "When the crescent emerges, the blood and Qi start to strengthen, and the safeguarding Qi starts to circulate. With the full moon, the blood and Qi are sufficient, and the muscles are strong. When the moon is waning, energy channels weaken, the safeguarding Qi leaves, and only the shape remains." That is to say, the human body's blood, Qi, muscles, and the strength of energy channels, are related to the moon's phases.

The phase of the moon is also associated with the timing of deaths in humans. Among the deaths caused by chronic diseases and systemic failure, most occur during the ebb tide or low tide, i.e., the second half of the month. Deaths of paralyzed patients, especially those who have bleeding, often occur during the first half of the month. Most deaths caused by hemoptysis [respiratory hemorrhage] in tuberculosis (TB) patients occur within seven days before the full moon. Deaths caused by digestive tract bleeding occur most frequently around the fifth day of the lunar month. Those who live by the seashore have had the experience that bleeding caused by injury is closely related to the tide. For example, bleeding becomes more severe during high tide and less severe during the ebb tide. This indicates the moon's phases are also related to humans' bleeding.

Why is this? If readers have opinions or understandings about this, please share them with us. This article is intended as the starting point of an interesting discussion on this matter.

Translated from: http://www.zhengjian.org/zj/articles/2002/12/24/19703.html

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