My Experience Sharing

A Practitioner from Utah

PureInsight | July 5, 2004

[] Almost two wonderful years ago, I was lead to Falun Gong in July, 2002. I can say that I have spent many lifetimes looking for the truth. I have now found it!

I was born in Salt Lake City, Utah. My parents emigrated from Europe after WWII. I was born in the U.S., but didn't speak any English until I was 4 years old. I was a quiet and afraid child that avoided adults and other children. We were members of the Mormon Church.

At an early age, I discovered Master. I say Master, because I now realize it was He that guided and watched over me all my life. Master entered my life on a conscious level when I was 10 years old. I was very sick to my stomach, so sick that I could not be with my family at the party they were having. I hated to vomit, I just hated it badly, but I did vomit. I suddenly realized that Master had helped me get better by causing something to happen to me that I really didn't want to have happen. That experience taught me that Master works differently than people want him to. They want everything to be easy and pleasant.

The following year, I discovered Master in the scriptures. I bought The Bible and other scriptures the Mormons have. Many of the words helped me find peace inside. Later, as an adult, I discovered that these words actually condemned the organizations that claimed them as their scriptures.

In elementary, middle and high school I enjoyed science and math, but was I was not clear-headed and had to study very hard to understand the subjects. I was frequently beaten up and made fun of because I was different and had different interests from other kids. However, I don't ever remember being mad at them. I could excel in some subjects, and that made life worthwhile for me. In fifth grade, I learned how to be the "teacher's pet," which was valuable to me for years after. However, last year, I realized that I always manipulated people to help me or to my way of thinking and get them to like me with the techniques I learned while being the "teachers pet." Being the teacher's pet is a lot of work. I feel much more confident now, because Master helped me to eliminate this attachment.

After I graduated from High School I joined the U.S. Army Reserve and trained as a medic. Basic training was very hard for me. I was very afraid and passed out frequently. I didn't like staying in my conscious mind. Master has helped me immensely to take control of my life and remain in my body. Because of my fears, I prayed often. One day my friend and I decided to pray in the cafeteria before we ate our food. Each day thereafter, more people came to our table and also prayed before they ate their food. After two weeks, three tables with about twelve men each were praying with us. I discovered being a good example could make a difference. I found courage in doing what was right.

After the Army, I became a missionary for the Mormon Church in Holland, where my parents came from. I learned the language quickly, because I spoke it as a child at home. I did help many people come to the church and also became one of the leaders over all the missionaries there, but I was never comfortable as a missionary or a leader and didn't understand why. On the outside, I believed in Mormonism, but I now know that I knew inside that there was something better. I was hesitant to share something I didn't fully believe in. It would be another 30 years before I would find Master and Dafa.

I started at the university in Nuclear Engineering, but later switched and obtained a degree in Business Management and entered the world of finance.

The Mormons teach, "Families are Forever." I married, but we could not have a family. We discovered 12 years later that I was sterile and could not have children. I wondered what I was living for if we couldn't have children and a family. We later adopted two daughters. However, I wondered why I was not attached to them or my wife, like other people were. Since I have been cultivating, I have enlightened to the reasons for this. They were mostly issues of fear, but also this was part of my true nature.

I became very attached to The Bible and the teachings about the Last Days discussed in the Books of Daniel and Revelations. I prayed to understand these books better. I was given the literary structure of Daniel through study and "inspiration." The structure of the Book of Revelation came to me as pure enlightenment. In one moment, while standing in the shower one morning, I knew how this jigsaw puzzle was put together and its meaning. I have never published this, because I was concerned that it would cause great fear in people. It also caused great depression in me. Each day in the newspaper I could see what was happening and what would happen next. I asked Master to remove this form of precognition from me. I handed it back to him.

I had a great change at that point. I started expanding into other, more positive things. Also during this time, I discovered that I was severely abused as a child. This started me on a journey of discovery about people, the spirit realms and ways I could dig out of my depression. I was lead to people who seemed to be able to help me with their techniques.

I decided to help others, by using the techniques I learned from those who helped me. I learned to heal using chi, remote viewing healing of DNA, spirit releasement and all the things master discusses in Zhuan Falun. I also became a certified hypnotherapist and Rieki Master. I, too, had a tube of energy and I knew this before I started practicing. I had learned to program my body, so I never became sick, but I would later understand that it was not very effective. Master's ways are far more encompassing throughout all dimensions. But, like Master warns us, without someone to show you the way and why you have these supernormal abilities, you will go astray. I went astray.

My family life was not good. I felt very trapped and was suffering from memory loss, to the extent that I could not remember a list of three things. I often forgot to pickup my daughters from the swimming pool, school and other places. My wife was very concerned. I could never communicate well with her and was always making mistakes. She thought that I had Alzheimer's. I was successful at work, but these problems were starting to affect my performance at work, and everything else I was doing. Later, Master helped me see that I would leave my body whenever I walked into the house.

I also started practicing Tibetan Tantrism. I enjoyed the meditation, but could find no peace doing it. The teachings seemed to speak to me, but something was missing. They also taught the dual cultivation of a man and a woman. I was not at a high level and my marriage was failing. I made some bad mistakes as a result of this.

With all this happening, I left home. I needed some time and space to think through what was happening in my life. I was unhappy with my religion. I had served in a Mormon temple for over fourteen years and discovered disturbing things there as my celestial eye opened. I did not relate to the Mormon people or their understanding of things anymore. I was afraid to go back home.

I was invited by a fellow meditator from the Tantrism School to try out Qigong exercises at the city park. We went twice together and she stopped and I kept going. I did not know why, but I knew I would discover something if I kept going to practice this Falun Gong.

I bought the books after about a month. I discovered so many answers and confirmations of knowledge I had known inside and personally experienced, but never had seen written anywhere. Master truly is the Master! I can now work and practice 18 hours a day! My body and mind relax when I meditate and even at other times. I can accomplish more good in life by clarifying the truth and saving sentient beings.

I asked that my name be removed from the Mormon Church records about one and a half years ago. It surprised me that this was a very positive experience. I then knew that I needed to change masters, from Christ to Master Li. This was very hard for me. I had come to know Christ and his peace personally. However, I knew that Dafa was the true way and that all of Christianity had corrupted His teachings. I felt that I was betraying Him and was very sad and also scared about this decision. I made the decision to release Him from my life. It was a hard period of time to release this attachment. His voice came to me several months later and He said, "I give you to the Father." During my life, I have often had to make decisions based on what I knew was true and those decisions were later confirmed. Master has taught me to stay on the path.

Each week I become more clear-minded. I am memorizing Zhuan Falun, which is a pure joy to me. It has shaken so many attachments loose and caused me to more quickly move ahead. I now understand and have enlightened deeply into the abuse that happened to me as a child. I was able to release my anger, fear and confusion over these experiences. I now find joy in my childhood experiences, because it has served as a powerful motivator to get me to think beyond the box that society and religion built around me in my mind.

I have been a polisher for Clearwisdom for about six months, which has given me valuable opportunities to understand the Fa and how it changes people's lives. I am very grateful for this opportunity to validate the Fa.

Last Saturday, I watched a friend come, for the first time, to do the exercises at the park. She broke her shoulder as a child and now she is over 40 years old and cannot lift her arm. She literally had to lift her right arm with her left hand. I was going to tell her that if she did the exercises regularly, she would find she would do better, but that is not how it came out of my mouth! I said, "I guarantee that you will be able to lift your arm normally if you do the exercises." I was shocked. I worried as I started the exercises that this might not happen or that I had said something wrong. Then I thought that I should not make a big deal of this. If this is what the Fa wanted me to say, then so be it. I closed my eyes and went through the exercises in peace. At the end, she came up to me and said, "Robin, look, I can lift my arm without any problem!"

We have good practitioners in Utah who help one another. I am grateful for each one of them. They help me to see myself and do better, as well as give me insights through sharing their experiences. And, yes, we can all do better.

I have had many wonderful experiences in my life. However, I did realize I was dead. I am now being made into a new being, my original self, because of the gift of Dafa.

The changes amaze me. People around me comment how clear-minded I am and how much peace they feel coming from me, even over the telephone. They all know I never get sick. I tell them, "I practice Falun Gong, would you like to have this peace and health also?"

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