Suggestions From a Dafa Practitioner From Mainland China

A Dafa Practitioner in the Uni

PureInsight | July 5, 2004

[] I distributed free Chinese newspapers containing the truth of Falun Dafa to Chinese people while I waited for my transfer flight at the Amsterdam Airport. I ran into a Dafa practitioner from northeastern China. She told me she came here from China with a tourist group and she hoped I would pass on a few suggestions she had in mind to other overseas Dafa practitioners.

First, phone calls and faxes from overseas Dafa practitioners to the people who persecute Dafa practitioners in China, especially phone calls, were very effective in shocking those people and reducing their persecution against Dafa practitioners. She hoped we would continue and increase our efforts.

Second, many Chinese tourists refuse to believe the fact that people in more than 60 countries practice Falun Gong, when they get a flyer in an overseas country from a Chinese Dafa practitioner. They think that the Chinese government's policy against Falun Gong is "a Chinese issue only." She hoped more Western practitioners could take the initiative to distribute flyers to Chinese tourists traveling to overseas countries to show that it is true that people in more than 60 countries practice Falun Gong and that the persecution against Falun Gong is an international issue.

During the 15-minute conversation, she told me she was very happy to meet me. Many Dafa practitioners in China are doing a good job clarifying the truth. They clarify the truth to people in public because they have no attachment to fear or human notions. She said she would also work harder on ridding herself of human notions so she could clarify the truth better.

She also said Dafa practitioners in China really care about the cultivation progress of Dafa practitioners and the promotion of Dafa outside of China. We exchanged our opinions on the attachment to comfort and complacency. We agreed that it is an issue Dafa practitioners both inside and outside of China should pay attention to.

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