The Three Realms

PureInsight | September 24, 2001

The history of the universe covers unimaginably remote ages. We can't say that the human body of many hundred millions of Jie (eons) ago couldn’t have been in the image of God. During the middle period of the universe, the image of the human body was at its most beautiful.

The Three Realms is not just the solar system. All of the matter that we can see is composed of molecules. Although alien beings may travel from an extremely remote planetary system to get here, they also live within the Three Realms. When one's gong column and Xinxing (moral character) reach a certain high level, he/she has transcended the Three Realms. Human beings' understanding of far and near is not correct. Some parts of the boundary of the Three Realms are on Earth, while some other parts are quite far from here. We should not think of this from a two-dimensional perspective. The Buddha’s world is on the boundary of the Milky Way galaxy. But he is composed of atoms. If a person were sent to the boundary of the Milky Way galaxy, he would still be a human being. This way of thinking is quite different from that of human beings,which is based on looking at the surface of matter. Actually, when one makes a breakthrough to the level of atoms, he/or she has already reached the boundary of the Milky Way galaxy. If one makes a breakthrough to the level of atomic nuclei, he/or she has already reached the boundary of the small universe. So one should look at the universe from the perspective of vertical dimensions.

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