Maori Practitioners Share Their Experiences

A Kiwi Practitioner, Ed

PureInsight | April 20, 2008

[] Huinga liked sleeping more in her first week of doing the Falun Gong exercises. She also went off certain food items, and felt that her organs had been shifted around inside her body. It has all settled and she felt "all the weigh had been lifted off." Falun Gong exercises made her more energetic.

After reading Zhuan Falun systematically, she has done less worrying than she used to. She has developed more self-confidence in speaking the truth openly, as opposed to her keeping her opinion to herself. With increased tolerance, she felt like she is "leveling-out," and is now more emotionally stable, with no more (sudden) ups and downs.  

In her own words, she likes to "Explain to others that Falun Dafa is good spiritually and mentally and your mind will have clearance to perceive and understand with compassion and understanding.  I am a Maori and hope the people of my culture will also practice Falun Dafa, which I believe is good for all peoples. The World will be a better peaceful planet if we all thought of ourselves as Human rather than as different races, ‘Ko Tahi Tatau' (all in one).  All of Aotearoa (NZ) should accept Falun Dafa."

On an earlier occasion Huinga told everyone that she normally requires glasses when reading except for the Zhuan Falun book.
Brenda, responding to her friend's comment that her face was clearing of eczema, said she was proud to say it must have been her practicing FalunDafa. She also experienced "electric shock"  and felt the "heat" as mentioned in Zhuan Falun, the book that teaches Dafa..  

Erin  advises that she no longer plays as aggressively as before in her badminton sessions, a game she is good at. Since taking up Falun Dafa, she realizes that it is good to relax more and be less aggressive, an attitude she thinks might be  influenced by one's up-bringing.

Robyn realized the surge and supply of energy when she first tried Falun Gong exercises whilst Mona felt being cleansed within her body when she first did the Falun Gong exercise.

Tania, who is gifted, could see her past three and current lives. She was a pagan, a Chinese girl, then a red Indian and now a Maori. Given the scenario she said that it is pointless to insist on the superiority of, to uphold, any one particular race or culture. It is more important to know the truth and know what is good for one's life holistically.

Author's note:
Traditionally Maoris are known to be a spiritual or gifted peoples. Therefore, they should be able to appreciate the benefits of Falun Dafa when practiced.

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