Cultivation Diary: Empty Ourselves and Put in the Fa

By Jin Gangxiao

PureInsight | June 10, 2008

[] The more I
studied the Fa, the more human notions I found in myself. I tended to
judge things based on my prejudices. There were human notions deep in
my bones.

In this everyday society, we are limited by various human notions, many
of which are from previous lives. Just like karma, human notions have
material existence. They interfere with our understanding of things and
restricted our thoughts. As a result, we are unable to do things with a
pure heart and mind that meets the requirements of Dafa.

The more I understand the profoundness of Dafa, the more humble I feel
we should be towards anyone or anything. The only way of letting go of
human notions or attachments is to study the Fa. That is, emptying
ourselves and putting in the Fa.

In "Melt Into the Fa" from Essentials for Further Advancement, Teacher said:

"As a student, if his mind is filled with nothing but Dafa, this person
is definitely a genuine cultivator. So you must have a clear
understanding on the matter of studying the Fa. Reading the books more
and studying the books more is the key to truly elevating yourself. To
put it more simply, as long as you read Dafa, you are changing; as long
as you read Dafa, you are elevating. The boundless content of Dafa plus
the supplementary means - the exercises - will enable you to reach
Consummation. Group reading or reading by yourself is the same.

The ancients have a saying, 'Having heard the Dao in the morning, one
can die in the evening.' No one among mankind today can really
understand its meaning. Did you know that when a person's mind accepts
the Fa, that part of his mind that accepts the Fa is assimilated to the
Fa? Where will that part go upon the death of that person who has heard
the Fa? The reason I ask you to study the Fa more, eliminate more of
your attachments, and let go of various human notions, is to allow you
to not just take a portion away with you, but to reach Consummation."

I deeply felt the importance of Fa-study and the boundless power of
Dafa. Only by emptying ourselves completely and putting in the Fa, that
is, becoming completely dissolved in the Fa, can we become Dafa
particles in the Fa-rectification period. Only in this way can we
fulfill our pre-historic vow.

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