Some Thoughts and Feelings about Why Falun Gong Is Being Persecuted

Xiao Yu

PureInsight | December 31, 2001

Recently, some other practitioners and I visited various governmental agencies to clarify the truth to them. During our meetings, a frequently asked question was, “If Falun Gong is good, why is it being persecuted?” When answering this question, I usually bring out our pamphlets or papers that clearly list the two reasons why the Chinese Government persecutes Falun Gong. Namely, (1) Falun Gong fosters Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, which differs from the ideology of communism, and (2) the number of people practicing Falun Gong, more than 70 million, exceeds that of the Party membership. Although Falun Gong is apolitical, Jiang Zemin feels threatened. When these reasons were given, some people understood, while others did not.

Does having a different belief justify persecution? Doesn’t the Chinese Constitution grant freedom of belief? When the number of believers is large, does this call for persecution? Isn’t it true that the more good people there are the better?

When I was reading today's articles on Clearwisdom, I suddenly realized that the way I clarified the truth might have provided some justification for the persecution. Wasn't it providing logical reasons why the persecution started? We are supposed to completely oppose the evil arrangements by the old forces. The Fa-rectification process has been accelerating, and Master has set up a requirement for us to “clarify the truth thoroughly,” in “Dafa Is Indestructible.” Should we give ordinary people the more profound reasons for the persecution? The purpose of our truth clarification is to enable people to tell right from wrong, good from evil, awaken their compassion and offer salvation to all sentient beings.

We practitioners are all aware that the persecution of Falun Gong is the evil’s sabotage of Dafa. Its goal is to destroy sentient beings. When we clarify the truth to everyday people, we cannot talk at such a high level. Yet, we can clearly tell people: The Chinese Government has neither the right nor the reason to persecute Falun Gong. They should never have done that. The persecution is wrong and must be stopped. Persecuting Falun Gong is senseless, and the motive for doing so is unspeakable. Therefore, the only thing the Chinese Government can do is to lie to the public, hoping to deceive them. All kindhearted people should speak up to stop the persecution and halt the evil so that the evil eventually will be eradicated. When all reject the excuses for the persecution, the persecution becomes groundless. When the material field on which the evil relies no longer exists, the persecution will immediately end.

This is just to share my thoughts with fellow practitioners. Please give me your suggestions for improvement.

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