About Effects of Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts

A Western Dafa Disciple

PureInsight | March 4, 2002

I have practiced Falun Gong for three years and for one and a half years I have been cultivating in an unlocked state. It happened when I simply became very determined to eliminate evil forces in other dimensions. When I have been able to see some things in other dimensions, it happens mostly unintentionally. During those moments, I have often obtained a 'lesson' and gotten a deeper understanding of the principles of the Fa in relation to the contents of Zhuan Falun. Of course, all my experiences are limited to my personal level of cultivation.

I would like to share with you my experience of how and when the righteous thoughts or, better, the divine power of the Buddha Fa, seemed to act in the strongest and most efficient way. And also when they get blocked.

Teacher has explained in Zhuan Falun how the supernatural capabilities of practitioners work in the paragraph on 'Mind-Intent' in chapter 9. He wrote: 'For a practitioner, one's mind-intent dictates supernormal abilities to do things. For an everyday person, one's mind-intent directs the four limbs and the sensory organs to work, just like the production office in a factory: The director's office issues orders to each department of specific function to carry out duties. ...'
I will try to explain my understanding with an everyday example. When we are eating do we think and analyze how to pick up the chop sticks or the knife and fork, or how much we have to bend the arm, and do we every time analyze the best angle for guiding the chop sticks to the mouth? And do we plan how wide we should open the mouth then?? No. We just eat. Like teacher has said 'one's mind-intent directs the four limbs and sensory organs to work...' The point is, we have the wish to eat and we take action. We just do it.

With sending forth righteous thoughts we have the wish to eradicate the evil damaging Dafa and we want to eliminate it, then 'one's mind-intent dictates supernormal abilities to do things...'
I have realized that the times I sent forth the most powerful gong was when my determination and my wish to protect Dafa were at their strongest and most righteous, as were those of all the fellow practitioners present. This righteous determination and the strength and the effects of supernatural abilities, or the divine power of the Buddha-Fa, are very closely linked. When I let my thoughts and anger about my personal tribulations rule my brain and my mind intent, my gong becomes nothing. The manner and how often or less often I recite the formula doesn't seem to matter. As Teacher has said, your gong is as high as your xinxing level. Reading Clearwisdom and feeling the silent pain of the killed Mainland practitioners, the abysmal destiny of the people poisoned by the lies of the propagandists and all the vicious lies about Master gave me the strength and the determination to feel an effect from sending forth righteous thoughts. The determined decision to stop these bad things with my possible abilities made my mind clear and righteous. Then there was no interference anymore, because there was simply no place for it. It is my understanding of Master Li's words 'one righteous thought eliminates a hundred evils.' Even my well known (and not well known) personal attachments haven't any space to 'work' anymore.
One article, commented on by Teacher, enabled me to gain a deeper and clearer understanding about the righteousness what we are doing. It is the article 'Eliminate Demonic Nature" by a fellow practitioner from the UK. After reading it several times before sending forth righteous thoughts my mind and my thoughts were very, very clear, calm and determined, simply righteous.

One paragraph in Zhuan Falun together with the Jingwen 'Beyond the limit of forbearance' has helped me a lot to get past the thought of 'killing lives'. It is about 'cleaning the bathtub' with all the insects inside for the Master. For me all the demons, aliens, evil beings, microscopic substances or what ever else are similar to the insects, flies and mosquitoes mentioned in Zhuan Falun, but they are harming sentient beings. When my gong eliminates them it is to maintain the normal living conditions for all righteous and kindhearted beings. They simply don't have the possibility like Dafa practitioners do to do this. It is a question of compassion to act in this way. 'Cleaning the bathtub' is similar for me to cleaning up the cosmos for Teacher. Of course, he himself could do it with his boundless Buddha Fa, but it is my great honor, that he has asked me, as a righteous Dafa particle, to participate in this.

It happens especially in front of the Chinese Embassy that I became sleepy or addle-headed. In this case, evil beings in other dimensions are sending out their energy against Dafa practitioners. The lower beings simply try to block the human brain while the higher ones try to control the brain so that they can then use his or her divine power against Dafa. This is serious. I get out of this confused feeling by making my main consciousness totally alert. I create a mental distance between me and this interference. After establishing a new clear mind focus I am able to eliminate the source.

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