Some Understandings about Christianity

An Australian Falun Dafa Pract

PureInsight | May 6, 2002

I was brought up as a Christian, being baptised when I was too young to know the meaning of baptism.

When I was in primary school my parents took me to church on Sundays and I listened to the pastor preach and often wondered what Christianity was about.

I could not reconcile to many of the preachings. But I did subscribe to the teachings of the church, in trying to, besides other things, be charitable of heart, be a good person and obey the Ten Commandments.

I learnt that Adam and Eve were the first persons on earth, in the land of Eden. They had two sons, Cain and Abel. Cain killed Abel and ran away to a foreign land to the East of Eden, married, and brought up a family. (From Book of Genesis, Chapters 1 to 4 of the King James Bible). I have always wondered where Cain’s wife came from since Adam and Eve were the first persons on earth! There were no explanations in the Holy Bible so I asked the church elders for clarification. I was told that I must never question what is said in the Bible! Only it doesn’t say.

Later, I learnt that I must also “believe in only one God” and that the Christian God is “the only God”.

In school I learnt about other religions and some of those religions believed in many gods. Who was correct? The Christians or one of the others? I was very confused! I dared not ask for any explanation from the church elders, as it would be blasphemy to speak of other gods!

I was blessed with the opportunity to be a Falun Dafa practitioner, and, as I studied Zhuan Falun, answers to these quandaries in my understanding of Christianity dawned on me!

I now understand that when Christians insist that their God is the only God, they really mean they must only follow one cultivation way. Master Li says: “This is what is said in religion, and it is called ‘no second cultivation way’”. (From “Practicing Only One Cultivation Way” in Lecture Three of Zhuan Falun).

In the Ten Commandments that every Christian knows well, one commandment states: “Thou shalt have none other gods before me.” (From Book of Deuteronomy, Chapter 5, Verse 7 of the King James Bible) To me, that reveals that there are other gods. Does “none other gods” not imply that Christians must not follow other gods while in their cultivation as Christians?

This brought up another question! Where and how can it be confirmed that the Christian God is not “the only God”? It is in the Holy Bible, as it clearly states “For the LORD your God is God of gods, and Lord of lords, a great God…”. (From Book of Deuteronomy, Chapter 10, Verse 17 of the King James Bible) Does this text not confirm that there are many gods? I have not spoken to the church elders, as I do not need to ask them for any clarifications anymore!

As I continue to understand more of what is in Zhuan Falun, numerous unanswered questions in my many years as a Christian are answered and I will follow the only path on my way home – the path shown by Fa, as Master Li said: “I am telling everyone that you should take the Fa as the teacher” (“Lecture at the Fa-Conference in Canada” in Toronto, May 23, 1999).

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