Save The Lives Of Those Who Are Lost And Fated For Destruction

Jin Jingyuan (Mainland China)

PureInsight | May 6, 2002

This is a true story that happened in Liaoning Province to a very talented 30 year old who was head of a small town cultural center. This year, 2002, misfortune began striking his family. Beginning with such occurrences as his child eating rat poison and breaking his arm, the events culminated with his own death in a car accident in which no one else in the car, including the driver, was hurt at all.

Everyone felt sorry about what happened to him. Then, a family friend raised the question of why such disaster might have happened to him. They pondered and wondered, but could not figure it out no matter how hard they tried. Later, a Dafa practitioner in the family again posed the question to the family, and then asked whether he had cursed Dafa. The family members thought about it carefully, and then realized that, in fact, he had.

As the story goes, after July 20th, 1999, in accordance with the Chinese government’s official persecution of Dafa, the local government officials had wanted to set up a propaganda poster to attack Dafa. Being the head of the local cultural center, and very good at calligraphy, quite naturally he was asked to do the job. Without thinking about it, he began to work on the project. Later, various bad omens began happening to his family. Though they were forms of immediate retribution in this lifetime to warn him, he was lost in the human world, busy with the daily activities, and was unable to examine himself and think clearly about the relationship.

Later, it was discovered that a local practitioner had been in the man’s home shortly before the car accident. Out of fear, and without realizing the importance of clarifying the truth, this practitioner sat there quietly for a long time, and did not end up telling him the truth about the persecution. Unknowingly, the ill-fated man continued the evil work that slandered Dafa. In the end, lost on his way and opposing Dafa, he was destroyed. Several times after the accident, the man appeared in the practitioner’s dreams. Now this practitioner regrets very much that he did not advise the man, and properly clarify the truth to him before due retribution was received.

Master Li said: “In fact, if a person does something wrong, he is bound to suffer retribution sometime in the future. It’s just that people do not realize it or believe it; they think that mishaps are accidents.” (From “For Whom do You Practice Cultivation” in Essentials for Further Advancement)

Master Li earnestly and vigorously explained to us: “The sins those poisoned people in China have committed against Dafa are consequences of the evil forces' persecution, and this has made people's sins, especially Chinese people's, enormous. It has made them directly oppose the Fa of the cosmos, which created all life. So what these people face is elimination--they're in the greatest danger. So now, as long as the bad thoughts in their heads towards Dafa are eliminated, it's fine.” (From “Fa-Lecture at the Conference in Florida, U.S.A”)

“Let me tell you this: next to your own cultivation, currently the most important thing is clarifying the truth, because this is directly saving sentient beings, it's directly saving the people of the future, and it also demonstrates the magnificence of Dafa and Dafa disciples--in such a difficult environment you're still managing to save sentient beings.” (From “Fa-Lecture at the Conference in Florida, U.S.A”)

Through the above true story, which happened near me, I understood the compassion and the greatness of our Master and Dafa much more deeply. I could feel much more the magnificence of our mission and the importance and responsibility of clarifying the truth to people in order to save them.

My fellow practitioners, let’s move forward with more rationality, more wisdom, more compassion, and save more sentient beings.

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