A Tyrant Became a Jolly Santa Claus

Qin Mi

PureInsight | December 23, 2002

Dr. Shen Kun-Jin is a well-respected dentist and a school doctor at Heping High School in Taipei. At the dental clinic where he works along with other dentists, most of the new patients who happened to see Dr. Shen for the initial visit would specifically ask for him in subsequent visits. At Heping High School, the faculty, staff, and even students enjoy stopping by the student health center to have a chat or have a cup of coffee with him.

He impresses people as being articulate, humorous, affectionate, and wise! Consequently those who found out about his past were utterly astonished. When people hear about his past, their standard reaction would be to shake their heads in disbelief, and say, "How can it be? Are you sure he was really like that? I simply cannot imagine he used to be like that!" Well, what is it about the past of Dr. Shen that would astonish all of his acquaintances and find it difficult to believe the story?

A Tyrant Feared by His Children

Let me put it in this way. Today's Dr. Shen resembles a kind and peace-loving Santa Claus who spreads holiday cheer everywhere, and Dr. Shen of yesteryear can be compared to a tyrant! In the past, his children would always listen for the sound of the doorknob turning while watching TV. On the sound of the doorknob turning, the kids would jump to their feet and flee to their rooms as fast as if the sound was the signal for a one hundred meter race at school! This is because on the other side of the door it might be their father, Dr. Shen, who might be mad at them for reasons unknown to them. When he saw a bad score on the kids' report cards, he would completely lose his temper and he verbally abused them without thinking of the consequences. When his wife disapproved of his opinions, even just a little, he would start to throw things around and even tear up the furniture in the house in his rage.

What on earth could have turned a tyrant into a saint?

Five years ago, Dr Shen's wife started to practice Falun Gong. She used to live on medicine. But since she started to practice Falun Gong, all of her diseases disappeared without a trace, and she became really healthy. However, conceited as Dr Shen was, he hesitated to believe in the power of Falun Gong even after he had witnessed a vast improvement in his wife's body and mind! Coincidentally, a college professor of Economics, who won the Professor of the Year for three years consecutively by the votes from the faculty and the students, also started to practice Falun Gong. Falun Gong caught Dr. Shen's attention again for this professor is one of Dr. Shen's very best friends and someone who he much admired. The health of this frail and often sick professor was miraculously restored soon after she started to practice Falun Gong.

A Kind Person on Earth Realizes the Truth

This time Dr. Shen began to be really curious about Falun Gong, and wished to try it out himself. As he began to genuinely cultivate in Falun Gong, the conceited Dr. Shen admitted that he had finally learned what truth and righteous faith are. Initially he believed that he had an excellent command of the knowledge of high technology because he was extremely highly educated. It wasn't until he purged his self-importance, and prejudice to cultivate in Falun Dafa wholeheartedly and sincerely, that he realized Falun Gong was an extremely pure and righteous cultivation practice. He now knows that Falun Dafa requires people not only to be good, but also to strive to be even better persons until they finally return to their original true selves and become completely unselfish cultivators who always consider others first!

Since he started to cultivate in Falun Gong, Dr. Shen gets up punctually early every morning to join the Falun Gong exercise group at the park. After a few years of cultivation practice, Dr. Shen now looks much younger. Although he is in his fifties, he is healthier than ever. More importantly, he has purged his violent temper. Dr. Shen is now most kind, compassionate and affectionate person. All of his friends and family find it difficult to remember his fits of temper and devilish countenance.

Dr. Shen genuinely and sincerely said, "I had an unbearable past, but I am not ashamed of letting everyone know about it as long as my story will help more people understand the magnificence of Falun Dafa, and forever benefit from cultivating in Falun Gong for health and spirit!"

Translated from: http://www.zhengjian.org/zj/articles/2002/11/17/19145.html

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