Self-Examination and Soul-Searching: "I love Beijing Tiananmen"

Wang Hua

PureInsight | March 7, 2005

[] Everyone who was born in the 1960s and 1970s in Mainland China can sing this song, "I love the Beijing Tiananmen. The red sun rises from Tiananmen. The great leader, Chairman Mao, always guides us forward." Even today, 25 years after China opened its door and began the reform, you still find similar statements in Chinese elementary school textbooks. In chapter one of the first-grade Chinese textbook, the first two sentences are, "I am a Chinese. I love the five star red flag." Yes, the children should know that they are Chinese, and that is a fact. However, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) immediately adds another sentence right after that, "I love the five star red flag." The five star red flag is the national flag designed by the CCP and represents the People's Republic of China ruled by the CCP. The children are told that that as long as you are a Chinese, you should certainly love the current "new China." It imposes a notion on everyone, "If you are Chinese, you should love the Communist Party." It is taught as if it is a truth that needs no clarification and is something that nobody can question.

The CCP goes on to state that the "new China" was established by the CCP, and only the CCP can represent the interests of the country and people of China. So if a Chinese person loves his family and his country, he should love the CCP. Now the three different concepts, namely, family, country and the CCP are totally equalized and mixed up. If someone questions the Party, that person will be considered as being against the CCP, against the people, and the country, and that is a grave sin.

When I was young there were not many songs to listen to on the radio. Among the few songs that were broadcasted again and again, there was a song called "Singing a Mountain Song for the Party." It is a folk song with a nice melody. The rhythm of the song still echoes in my mind. The lyrics contain the following lines, "Let me sing a mountain song for the Party. I consider the Party as my mother." Today many popular pop songs continue to reinforce the notion that the CCP is the mother of all Chinese people. For example, a popular song that salutes Chinese soldiers contains the following lyrics, "If you refuse to stand guard at the border and I refuse to do that too, who is going to defend the homeland, the family and her?" The "her" in the song refers to the CCP, the "mother." Everything in the Chinese system boils down to one thing: you must love the CCP, and you must do whatever the CCP tells you to.

It is not hard to see how the CCP has brainwashed so many Chinese people. When they were still young children, the Chinese people were taught many things about the CCP and its rule as unquestionable facts. Young children had no idea what assumption is, what self-evident truth is, and what logic is. As time goes by, these notions unknowingly diffused into people's flesh and blood. And finally, many Chinese people started to consider those notions as a part of themselves without giving it a second thought. Just like the words in another popular Chinese song, "There is a me in you (the CCP), and you (the CCP) in me." When that happens, the CCP evil spirit possession has achieved its goal.

Of course, when young Chinese people grew up, particularly when they went to college, some people started to question certain things about the CCP. But even when they can understand on a rational level that the CCP has done many bad things, they cannot accept that on an emotional level. For example, when they see people expose the violent crimes the CCP has committed to the Chinese people, many Chinese people do not like that, feeling it is humiliating China. Everyone should calm down and rationally think whether the vicious people who brutalize Chinese people can truly represent Chinese people and China. Should Chinese behave like that? The answer is no. Then how can we say it is humiliating Chinese? I would say that we should be proud of the courageous people who dare to expose the evil.

Currently many young people in China who consider themselves patriotic hold inexplicable hatred towards the United States (U.S.). The hatred is rooted from the CCP's propaganda that says things such as "the American imperialism has never ceased its effort to destroy us. We should be against anything that our enemy supports." There are very few Chinese people who know the following facts. In 1900, when the coalition army from eight western countries tried to split China, the U.S. was actually the only country that was against that and supported the sovereign rights of China. The U.S. also used China's war payment to sponsor Chinese students. Another example is the Korean War. In China, people are taught that the U.S. started the war and its plan was to invade China after it took over North Korea. The truth is that Kim II Sung of North Korea was the one who invaded South Korea, initiating the war. But because of being taught in such a way on many different subjects, when the terrorists attacked the U.S. on 9/11, many Chinese people cheered.

The above examples illustrated how sad it is for Chinese people to be brainwashed and misled by the CCP since they were children. In today's China, how many people can really separate the country and the people from the CCP and its leaders? Chinese people have lost the ability to think independently and make independent choices for themselves. Many people have unknowingly become the puppets of the CCP.
A nation without a mind is in a sad state because its fate is totally in the hands of those few who are in power. A nation without a mind also has no vitality. It is hard for such a nation to develop because its creativity has been totally suppressed by rigid notions imposed by its rulers. In the Western world, children are taught in a style that advocate tolerance, objectivity and respect for facts, which has played a positive role in preserving and developing individual creativity.

Many people think of the elicitation method of teaching was invented by Socrates. Actually it was first used by Confucius. Confucius said, "Do not give hints to a student unless the student thinks hard about the issue; do not give answers to the student unless the student has thought about the issue for a while."

Now let us come back to discuss why the CCP needs to imbue students with its idea in textbooks. The fundamental reason is that the ideas that CCP tries to imbue in young children are absurd and untrue. The CCP cannot allow people to discuss those ideas openly and decide for themselves whether they are true or not. A direct example is the CCP's response to the "Nine Commentaries on the CCP." If the CCP claims the "Nine Commentaries" as "poison" and "lies," why not let everyone makes their own evaluation? Truth fears no discussion.

A lie is always a lie no matter what. A lie is still a lie even if it is repeated a thousand times. No matter what kind of lies the CCP is trying to imbue people with, the truth will eventually be known.

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