Clarion of a Triumphal Chorus

An Australian Falun Gong Pract

PureInsight | January 9, 2006


(Part I)

Poetry, let it ignite the Age with a triumphal chorus!

As horizons of a new humanity unfold, the future
summons destiny in a charge of inexorable splendour.
Processions of beings awakening now, coming into a
grand renaissance of consciousness and illumination!

Here upon the stage, in the act of life, our realms
sacrificed when yielding to such descent. The
emergence of Dafa portends a threshold, alerts many
a heart to rise again encompassing configurations
beyond any common frontiers… Poetry, it fathoms
our sojourn, enlightening and more!

Offering tangible directions, adapting to every season
and climate, even the world's current disposition
clouded by social and moral incoherence… myriad-
faced, with strident rhythms tangled amidst subjective
reality! Poetry, penetrating these shadows, venturing
outside the boundaries it unveils.

Let all manner of verse follow their chosen path; to
encourage and clarify, potentially unifying our
disparities inside some greater field of quietude…
From collective insight, further until sagacity and
true equanimity…

(Part II)

By the gods it is fashioned and so the harvest must
bear the fruits of timelessness, something of the
supreme virtues of "Truthfulness – Compassion –
Forbearance." Steadfast against the weight and
torrents of human notions, from the deepest and
most ancient of wells to share the light and wonder
of the quintessential, that which is near sublime!
As Dafa leads us homeward, poetry, at least marks
the way. Its nature resplendent, inspiring our journey
towards the hour of consummation.

Poetry, let it ignite every Age with a triumphal chorus!
Here all the while as cultivation accelerates, forges a
return to our origins. Dafa, that by which we are
dreamed into creation and many to finally awaken to
the fullness of being… Born for this and no less!

(Dedicated to those practitioners who express Falun Dafa's inspiration through poetry)

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