Time, Human Society, and Fa-Rectification

A Falun Dafa Practitioner

PureInsight | December 24, 2001

Time is a god. I did not really understand this before, even when reading Teacher Li’s article “A Dialogue With Time”, wherein Time is referred to as a “Divine Being.” Later, I enlightened to this fact, and I realized that Time, among many other gods, had been subjected to the arrangements of the old forces. Ultimately, the purpose was to have these gods play a role in the so-called “test” of Dafa and Dafa disciples, thereby becoming an obstacle to Fa-rectification.

This arrangement was also intended to ruin humankind. This demonstrates the deviated notions of the old forces, and its manifestations, which permeate human society during the current period. At this point I will digress to establish a basis for the rest of this discussion.

In Lecture One of Zhuan Falun, Teacher Li writes, “Out of their benevolent compassion, however, the great enlightened beings gave them one more chance and constructed this special environment and unique dimension” and “One should return to one’s origin and true self; this is the real purpose of being human.” Therefore, human society’s development should be guided to give human beings the best chance to enlighten to their real purpose and the best possible environment to improve themselves and in which to practice cultivation.

It takes but one glance to see that the current human society falls far short of this ideal. There are many specific aspects of this that go beyond the scope of this paper. Further observations and other explanations can be found in the Fa taught by Teacher Li and in other Dafa disciples’ articles. Let us examine one aspect; namely, the one relating to Time.

Modern society is very busy. Human beings, whether rich or poor, are busy doing and pursuing. They either struggle to get their daily bread, find ways to make a lot of money, or even find ways to spend all the extra money they have accumulated. This “busyness” is not at all necessary, but is something imposed on humanity by those arrangements of the old forces. Being deceived into endlessly and hurriedly pursuing material items, humans are guided towards self-destruction rather than towards goodness. One facet of this busy society manifests in the way modern people relate to and understand Time.

Modern human science understands Time as an abstraction, a sort of physical property or quality of the universe. This is the basis upon which further understanding of Time has been constructed. The dividing of Time into moments of various sizes (minutes, seconds, et cetera,) facilitates the functioning of modern society. This has defeated its initial purpose, which was to be a tool for humans to co-ordinate with each other through night and day, and over the seasons. These concepts ended up restricting human thought and behavior. This has even led to notions of scheduling Time. Essentially, this amounts to humans trying to control and manipulate Time for their own goals. This amounts to disrespecting a god, because humans can never control gods. However, it is not really their fault. They have been deceived by the arrangements of the old forces.

Since Time is a god, attempts to control it are futile. Despite all the scheduling and arranging people are still watching their clocks and watches, struggling through their days, desperately either trying to “find enough time” or “kill time”. When there is “free or extra time,” often people will want to “kill time,” impatiently waiting for the anticipated event to arrive. When experiencing something pleasant, it seems too brief. An unpleasant event “takes too long.” In fact, every moment of existence is a gift, granted by the original Dafa of the cosmos. It should always be treasured. Gods arrange the life paths of people, not their appointment books. Knowing, understanding, and validating this through experience enables one to adapt to any circumstance, while being more tranquil.

People these days are rarely tranquil. This, combined with the endless “busyness,” robs them of the chance to slow down and reflect upon their ultimate purpose, or to look within and examine themselves. People should have these opportunities. Otherwise, how would they ever figure out why they are here? Or, once they have, how would they be able to achieve this purpose amidst the busyness?

Both these external factors and deviated concepts have been imposed on Dafa disciples.

The external factors and deviated concepts in humankind will all be resolved eventually through Fa-rectification. As Fa-rectification period Dafa disciples, we must diligently recognize and clear away these deviated concepts. As for the objectively existing “busyness” I have had the following experience. As I clean out the old concepts and view things correctly from the perspective of the new concepts cultivated out of Dafa, I am suddenly able to do all the things that need to be done. The old concept of “not enough time” dissolves, and there is just enough Time to do everything. As Teacher said, in Lecture Nine of Zhuan Falun, “When it’s impossible to do, you can do it.”

This understanding has also been validated in other aspects. When we Dafa disciples truly realize who we are and place Dafa in its rightful position in our hearts, then these Gods and other beings from within the Three Realms that originally existed to govern and restrict humans are no longer able to be used by the old forces’ arrangements to restrict us. We can more clearly understand what Fa-rectification is, and more fully participate in it during this great historical moment.

Time and others in the heavens and the vast cosmos, you may choose whether or not to continue to follow those deviated beings and cause damage to Fa-rectification, to Dafa disciples and to humankind. Dafa is renewing everything via Teacher’s Fa-rectification. When the old is cleared away and replaced with the new, only then can one see how truly warped the old was . Only then can one experience the majesty of a renewed being in Dafa. The Fa is also taught in the heavens. Assimilating to Dafa is making the right choice, and a wonderful future will await you. As Teacher said, “When the force of Fa-rectification arrives, everything will end in an instant.” The choice is yours. I hope for your sake and for the sake of all sentient beings, that you will make the right choice.


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