Clarify the Truth of Dafa Thoroughly and Welcome the Fa-rectification of the Human World

Zhengjian Editors

PureInsight | April 29, 2002

Master said, "Then if every student is able to do that, I can tell you, with five minutes of sending forth righteous thoughts together, the evil in the Three Realms will never exist again--that's how important this is." ("Fa-Lecture at the Conference in Florida, U.S.A.")

Master talked about this on December 29th of 2001. It has been four months since then. We all know the utmost importance of sending forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil. But we have yet to meet the requirements of the Fa for us in this regard. All it takes is five minutes. At first let's not talk about what kind of state that we need to be in during those five minutes. Let's just talk about this surface aspect, this superficial form of all practitioners sending forth righteous thoughts at the same time. Why can't we even accomplish that? While practitioners were sending forth righteous thoughts in close proximity to the head of the evil in Germany, did those of us who are in the distant U.S. feel the same kind of urgency that they did and set aside everything that we were doing to send forth righteous thoughts at the same time? It is true that we are all very busy and have much important Dafa work to do. But can we really maintain the thought of standing on the basis of Dafa to think of what is best for Dafa in an overall sense, when it comes to our own work and not being attached to ourselves at key moments? Have we realized that the evil is no longer able to directly interfere with the progress of our Fa-rectification but is now using some of the Dafa work that we are doing to interfere with other Dafa work? For example, let's say that the time for the practitioners to send forth righteous thoughts at the same time has arrived. But we cannot put down a piece of work that we are doing, or suddenly the phone rings and you are told that you have an extremely urgent matter to take care of, or the media comes, or someone comes to ask for more information, etc, etc. How should you think of all these things with righteous thoughts? In the scripture "The Effect of Righteous Thoughts," Master said, "So these countless foreign systems formed tens of millions of dimensional segments in the Three Realms, which became different domains of power, thereby hiding many evil beings."

These segments are truly the arrangement of the old forces. But how are they manifested on our side?

Sometimes our thoughts are tightly bound up in our own notions, which in turn causes much segmentation of our understanding of the Fa and our having incomplete understanding of the Fa. We are attached to our own notions, or use human methods to do Fa-rectification things. As a result, we might end up doing things according to the arrangement of the old forces. We are working on many different Fa-rectification and truth-clarifying projects at the same time right now. The tangible and intangible divisions among practitioners, projects and regions make us lose perspective and neglect communication and cooperation with other projects. As a result, our work on the projects become less effective, and we unconsciously cause irreparable damage to Dafa.
As long as these segments are not broken through, the old forces can take advantage of them and use their arrangements to interfere with Fa-rectification. We should study the Fa with a calm heart and know that we still carry our selfishness around with us even while doing Dafa work. The only difference is that the manifestation of this "selfishness" at this current stage is more hidden than it was before and, hence, more difficult to detect. Therefore, if we do not deal with everything seriously, we will lose opportunities to remove our selfishness one after another. Master asks us to improve as a whole and upgrade as a whole. It is time for us to become clear-minded in our understanding of the Fa and take initiative to break through the various segments. We should keep pace with the progress of Fa-rectification, do what is best for Dafa as a whole, and completely oppose the arrangement of the old forces.

2. Validate Dafa in an Upright and Dignified Manner

The Ministry of Education of the United Nations has announced that the Tiananmen "Self-Immolation" was staged by the Chinese government. On April 3, 2002, more than forty Falun Gong practitioners filed a lawsuit at the U.S. Federal Court in Washington, D.C., against the various parties who had been violating their human rights under orders from the Chinese government. A number of government officials from Mainland China have also been sued. These events are indications that Dafa will leave behind its truth and its solemnity to the people of the world in every single field in the human world, using methods that people can see and believe in. Dafa will enter into every single field of the human world and leave behind records for history and the future while establishing mighty virtue.

Then how should we create the environment that enables us to clarify the truth thoroughly and save the people of the world? How can we use things from every aspect of human society, including important fields such as science and culture, to clarify the truth of Dafa and welcome the Fa-rectification of the human world?

(1) The Truth of Dafa and the Truth of Persecution Against Dafa

Clarifying the truth is the magnificent mission that history has bestowed upon us. In order to expose the evil, lessen the persecution and save the people of the world, we are also telling people of the world the truth behind the persecution of Dafa in China. This is the benevolence of Dafa. As the pace of Fa-rectification becomes faster and faster, the requirements for us become higher and higher. So do we truly understand what the truth of Dafa is? In "To the Florida Fa Conference," Master said, "…at the same time show the true face of Dafa and allow more people to learn the truth about Dafa, thereby letting predestined people obtain the Fa."

We feel that the inner meaning of the true face of Dafa that Master mentioned here is very immense. Telling people the truth of the evil persecution of Dafa in China is a very important component. But it alone is not enough. The boundless inner meanings of what Dafa has bestowed upon us include the chance to introduce Dafa and to demonstrate Dafa's majesty, goodness, benevolence, boundlessness and solemnity to people. As long as we can let people develop this one thought that Dafa is good, we are in fact saving them. Let's give an example. We have maintained an active presence in a certain place for close to three years now. Especially during the last year, we have been there nearly every day to send forth righteous thoughts. The people who work in a store nearby have known us for a long time and are very friendly to us. We had given them truth-clarifying Dafa materials before, especially material that described the persecution of Dafa in China. But this group of kind young people seemed to feel that it had nothing to do with them and it was very difficult for them to relate to Dafa, to us and to the evil persecution. They remained noncommittal. Last Christmas, we gave each of them a copy of Dafa music. We were surprised to see that they changed completely after listening to the music. The music of Dafa has melted them. When they saw us again the next time, they were very emotional and thanked us repeatedly for giving them something that wonderful. They not only listen to the music daily, they have also played it for their friends and families, and visited Dafa websites. From this, we realized that we cannot just introduce one side of Dafa to people. We should think of them more. We should be able to use the boundless inner meanings of Dafa and explain the truth from all sides and harmonize everything. We should let people know about and understand Dafa from different sides, angles and levels. That is because people today come from a variety of backgrounds. They come from different worlds and their lives have different individual characteristics. Therefore there are tens of thousands of possible ways for them to come to understand Dafa. Maybe it is to share with them a song, a viewpoint, a story, or a personal experience. There are all kinds of methods. But all of the methods can serve as bridges that guide people that should be saved by Dafa. As Dafa disciples, we are the guides on these tens of thousands of roads. Especially while we continuously clarify the truth to various governmental agencies, media or other organizations, if the truth-clarifying material contains abundant information and is also interesting and colorful and able to demonstrate the boundless inner meanings of Dafa, we can provide people with more opportunities to accept Dafa and understand Dafa.

In "Fa-Lecture at the Conference in Florida, U.S.A.," Master said, " If you aren't against the Communist Party, that's fine, if you aren't against so and so, that's fine, but I'll tell you this: don't be against Dafa. Why? I'll tell you the true situation..." From here, we once again see the arduous effort of Master to save people and his boundless benevolence. At the same time, we also feel that, as Dafa disciples, we should break through our own notions and limitations. We should demonstrate the splendor of Dafa to the human world, clarify the truth of Dafa to different people from different angles in a complete and rational manner, truly think of other people, and treasure every single truth-clarifying opportunity. We should bring out the benevolent thoughts of people in different areas. We should not think of things from just one point of view. A boundless breadth of mind is also a manifestation of benevolence. We should give people abundant space, room and ways to understand Dafa from a positive angle. This is not only a manifestation of Dafa disciples' benevolence, but is also the way for us to harmonize the Fa at this human level during the process of our Fa-rectification cultivation.

Next, we will use science and culture as examples to describe a bit of our understanding of clarifying the truth thoroughly.

(2) Science

Science cannot validate Dafa. Dafa disciples know from the Fa that science has been developed based on a wrong starting point. Both its methodologies and results have deviated from the truth. But today, science has become the master that controls human beings' lives and thoughts. It is the biggest barrier that prevents people from recognizing the truth of the cosmos. It is our magnificent Master who rescued us, this group of disciples who lived and breathed science. He has made us understand everything and walk away from the limitations imposed by science. But out of the billions of people on earth, how many are as fortunate as we are? For a long period of time, we have been wondering why it was arranged for us to "study" science for dozen of years. What we should have let go of is its inner meaning; its surface appearance is not important.

"This book, Zhuan Falun, has already shaken the scientific and technological community the world over!" ("Lecture at the Conference in Europe")

Master talked about the shake-up of the scientific and technological community in May of 1998. But it was not until recently when the First World Future Science and Culture Congress took place that we suddenly came to understand what Master meant. Master's Fa-rectification started from the microscopic level, and the shake-up also took place at the microscopic level. Since 1992, as Fa-rectification has progressed, the scientific community has been shaken up by so many new discoveries and phenomenal occurrences. These new things have come one after another, encompassing all fields, stretching from astrophysics to the life sciences. All these discoveries have been shaking the foundation of modern science. Scientists have been searching long and hard for answers. Yet there has not been one single theory or hypothesis that is able to completely explain everything on its own. A noted scientist even wrote a book declaring that science has come to an end.

It turns out that Master has already placed all the results there, and everything has already been prepared. In reality, we already possess all the conditions that are necessary for us to clarify the truth of science, point out the limitation of contemporary science, and explain the future direction that science will take.

Many of us disciples outside of China are highly educated. After studying science for so many years, all we have obtained is a "permit" that has enabled us to walk in the field of science. When the time comes, we need to publish the correct understandings that we have obtained from Dafa and gradually replace the incorrect understandings that are prevalent today. In addition, we should be guides that enable more people to know about Dafa. All these are for the sake of saving the people of the world because people's thoughts are still being constrained by conventional scientific notions. Therefore when we present our findings, publish papers and science commentaries, we are letting the scientific and academic community understand Dafa. Based on the above reasoning, PureInsight has set up new focus areas, such as frontier science news. The goal is to introduce the new theories and discoveries that are challenging today's science to the public, especially those phenomena that science cannot explain. While introducing the material, we also incorporate Dafa's thinking as hints or explanations. This will not only serve to break through the notions of everyday people, but will also serve as a bridge that introduces Dafa websites to the public. Another example is to assist different regions to organize scientific conferences. Even though this is only the beginning, we feel it is very meaningful. We believe that if the articles of Dafa disciples, whether they are academic papers or regular articles, can be published in publications of everyday society, they will serve to validate and spread Dafa effectively. They will also serve as good material for our Fa-spreading efforts.

The truth of "Buddha Fa" incorporates everything. Dafa can perfectly and clearly explain everything. The ones who can set up the bridge that connects science to the Buddha Fa, from incorrect understandings to correct understandings, are us Dafa disciples. We should collect the phenomena and discoveries that science cannot explain little by little, and gradually explain the correct understandings that we have obtained from the Fa to the academic community and the public. We should let people hear our voices and come to understand Dafa. We should tell them the boundless inner meanings of Dafa, make them recognize the limitations of science, and how to solve this problem. We should let the academic community know about our own understandings of how Dafa is the real science and will direct the development of future science

3. Culture

"Falun Dafa has for the first time throughout the ages provided the nature of the universe—the Buddha Fa—to human beings" (from "The Teachings in Buddhism are the Weakest and Tiniest Portion of the Buddha Fa"). Therefore, Dafa disciples clearly know that "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" is bound to create a brand new culture. Master's article "Foretelling the Fa's Rectification of the Human World" has also prophesied the imminent arrival of Dafa's most glorious period in the human world. Then, what will the new culture be? We feel that what we are doing right now includes harmonizing this level of the Fa in the human world and setting up the foundation for the future culture. After practicing cultivation, especially during Fa-rectification, Dafa disciples have been assimilating to the highest characteristics of the cosmos. The work created under that state definitely does transcend everything in human society. In addition, we are so fortunate to live during this unprecedented time when we can directly assimilate to the Dafa of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance."

Since the beginning of time, people have been trying to "capture the divine spirit" and searching for a high "realm" in their literary work. In reality, returning to one's true, original self is the highest realm that a human being can reach and the biggest reason for living. Work created in this state automatically carries the divine spirit or the record of lives elevated to high levels. The only difference is that there are different levels and different purities. Every single person possesses the "divine" side. Work that touches this side will resonate from within, invoke benevolent thoughts, and result in improvement. The lowest level of improvement manifests on the physical side. There is a Chinese saying that describes how touched a person is by something that "he can't recognize the taste of meat in the next three months." The poem by Li Bai, the famous Tang Dynasty poet, of "Upwards the glorious moon I raise my head/Then lay me down and thoughts of home arise" has touched so many generations of deluded people. Everyday people think this is a poem that talks about a person being homesick. As a matter of fact, the reason that the poem touches people so deeply is that it was able to transcend this short-lived physical time space and extend to the broader search for the place where life really ends. It is an eternal question of the soul. The sides of human beings that are clear have been searching for their real homes and their real hometowns all along. But only Dafa disciples are able to understand the poem's inner meaning because we have created the culture of the past under the guidance of Master. We have already started writing some commentaries for some famous Chinese classical works, including "The Dream of the Red Chamber" and Tang Dynasty poems. Our goal is to use the material that every single person knows intimately and inject true yet brand new inner meanings into it so we can guide people to understand Dafa from a broader angle. Therefore as long as our work is able to demonstrate our most genuine selves as we validate Dafa, it is automatically work that "carries the divine spirit." It is automatically genuine culture and will become a reference for the future. We already possess all of the abilities and conditions that are necessary for us to inject the inner meanings of Dafa into our work and show them to the people of the world.

The unprecedented Fa-rectification of the entire cosmos is such a splendid period of time. As long as we faithfully record all these, they are bound to become the most direct "culture," with us being a part of it. Establishing the foundation for the humankind of the future is also our mission.

Fa-rectification takes place in all areas, which means that we should clarify the truth thoroughly, in depth, and in detail. The evil has used the so-called "fight against superstitions" to poison so many people who do not yet to understand the truth. The most fundamental persecution of the evil is the persecution against the truth, and the persecution against this Fa that has created everything in the cosmos.

Master said, "Broadly speaking, the Fa is very immense. From the perspective of the very highest level, it is very simple, for the Fa resembles a pyramid in form. At the highest point, it can be summarized in three words: Zhen, Shan, Ren. It is extremely complex when manifesting at different levels." (Lecture 1 of Zhuan Falun) We should not just tell people the tip of the pyramid. We should explain it broadly. In order to explain it clearly, we should talk about the things that correspond to the human level in a convincing and well-thought manner. Think about it, if the world's support to us goes from moral support to the acceptance and support of the truth, would the evil dare to persecute us? Would it still exist?

Thoroughly clarifying the truth in a steadfast manner during the present time is truly saving the people of the world. Let us create the environment in which we can clarify the truth thoroughly and greet the arrival of the Fa-rectification of the human world.

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