The Philosophical Human Nature

PureInsight | January 13, 2008

[] To make this
world a blissful place, there is no need to advocate any idea in a loud
voice. Instead, one needs to be an incarnation of kindness and
compassion. When our minds are permeated with compassion, they are like
beacons that shine on people around us. When their minds are filled
with compassion, it is like bright lamps illuminating those around
them. More beings will naturally rekindle their lives.

Compassion is like the common cold: When you have it, people around you will be easily infected.

When you carry forth with a compassionate mind, you don't need to
impart any teachings to others. When you have a compassion heart,
others will be aware of it and the compassion in their minds will be
awakened. The most effective education often doesn't require saying

When you are right, you don't need to say anything but, when you are wrong, it's useless to say anything.


Someone once said: If you are right, you don't need to get angry, but when you are wrong, you are not qualified to get angry.


Others' words and deeds cannot bring any harm to you. If you feel you
are being wronged, it is because you care about these words and deeds.

When you suffer unjustified persecution, although it is unfortunate, if
you respond with hatred, it will only deepen your misfortune.

Hatred cannot hurt the person being hated; instead, it will only harm the hater.

Think about it: When you lose your temper, how do you feel? Not very
good! Why, then, bring hatred on yourself? Hatred does not bring any
good to you or others. It is a heavy burden to carry, even for a short

Hating a person is often very troubling. If you don't like someone, why
bother with him? If you like the person, is there any reason to hate

When someone does something to displease us, we often detest this
person. It seems like the hating is retaliation. Hating a person
requires a lot of energy. It is a heavy burden and it harms us every
minute and every second and will not have any influence on the person
being hated. Then what is the sense of it?

Why is it that no one shouts at a stone? It is because the stillness of
stone makes it unable to provoke any trouble. When you are able to keep
silent like a stone, the person making trouble will lose interest and

If your mind is not moved by the words or deeds of others, it is like
sitting in venomous thorny bushes. Even though you cannot make them
disappear, at least they will not stab you.

Humility is not the same as cowardliness. Humility is actually one of
the biggest strengths in the world. Just ask yourself: Which is it
harder to be, arrogant or humble?

Being arrogant will not gain any respect from others. But being humble will make others respect you.


A humble person not only treats others with modesty but also respects even a worm and a flower.   

The most unpleasant words will usually provide one with the most helpful guidance.

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