A Prophecy: Notes by Ge An

PureInsight | May 14, 2001

Notes by Ge An is a prophecy by a Korean scholar and astronomer Nan Shigu (1509-1571). During a childhood encounter with a sage in a Korean mountain, Kum Kang San, Nan heard the prophecy which he was to later turn into a book. Notes by Ge An was unknown for nearly 450 years until 1986, when a Korean scholar began to investigate the books content. By the end of the 1980s, the book had become very popular in South Korea.

The book states that a sage named Li will start to teach the Great Tao and exercises in Changchun (a city in northeast China). The book also alludes to Falun Gong, the Falun Emblem, as well as the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. In addition, the prophecy says that Li's teachings will encompass all the various teachings present during that historical period of time.

Below are some excerpts from the book:

1. The sage mentioned in the book is named after wood (Li in Chinese means plum tree). He has the sign of the Rabbit (born in 1951), and he is born in April of lunar calendar, just north of the 38th parallel.

2. This sage is said to be the king of all kings in heaven. People will refer to him as Buddha Maitreya when he descends to this world, as he teaches the orthodox Tao.

3. The 'Three Words and Two Whites' mentioned in the book refer to the three characters, Zhen-Shan-Ren (Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance). The 'Two Whites' refer to the 'White Heart and the White Body,' i.e. the cultivation of Xinxing (mind nature/moral quality) and the transformation of Benti (one's physical body and bodies in other dimensions).

4. The book describes the Falun Emblem in great detail.

5. It mentions that Falun Gong has the effect of 'clearing circulation,' 'small clearing circulation,' and of 'unblocking the passages and channels.'

6. The book clearly indicates that Sage Li will start his teaching in Changchun (Changchun means 'green forest' in Chinese).

7. In the section A Statement about the Dharma Ending Period, the book predicts that in the summer, on July 20th, Falun Dafa will be persecuted by evil forces.

8. The book mentions that after enduring the tribulations, practitioners in China will see 'daylight in the future.'

9. It clearly indicates that after some years, the Chinese government will change its policy against Falun Dafa (the Great Law, the laws and the principles of the universe).

10. Those who persecute Dafa will perish forever, and the day when hundreds of millions of practitioners all over the world celebrate will eventually come. The book warns people, however, to not turn away from Falun Dafa because of temporary tribulations. Those who leave Dafa will perish and those who follow will prevail.

11. The Fa that Sage Li teaches is the orthodox Fa, which is flawless. The book clearly points out that people should study the Fa and read the books more.
12. It says that the sage will not live in the capital city, but rather travel to the west.

13. The time for the sage's teaching will not be long.

14. Falun Dafa practitioners will not escape from prison. They will have to suffer the tribulation of harsh jail terms.

15. The book clearly states that even though they are suffering great tribulations, most of the practitioners in China will be like 'birds not leaving the branches.' It will be hard for the government's vicious slander to change people's mind.

16. All religions during this period of time will no longer be effective. The only 'way out' is to attain the Dafa; praying to heaven everyday will not take you a single step towards heaven, chanting 'Buddha Amitahba' everyday will not lead you to the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss.

17. The book describes important historical moments one by one. It also tells when the Dharma Ending Period will occur. People of the Dharma Ending Period will be destroyed by a 'strange disease,' and it will even be hard for one out ten households to survive.

18. The book emphasizes that the key to the cultivation practice is the cultivation of Xinxing (heart/mind nature, moral quality).

19. The books also states that all the events currently happening in China were arranged several thousand years ago.

(Edited by PureInsight Net)

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