People from Different Walks of Life Rally in Washington, DC to Celebrate the Withdrawal of Nearly Five Million People from the Chinese Communist Party

PureInsight | October 24, 2005

[] On October 15, 2005, people from Washington, DC and its neighboring states rallied and paraded in front of Lincoln Memorial to celebrate that nearly five million people have withdrawn from the Chinese Communist Party.

Left: The CCP's interest is not equal to China's interests

Left: The CCP is the source of all chaos; withdrawing from the CCP is a benevolent solution
Right: Without the CCP, China will become more prosperous and glorious

Left: Heaven is going to eliminate the CCP; Save yourself by withdrawing from the CCP
Right: Service Center to withdraw from the CCP; Toll free number: 800-608-3158;; fax: 301-916-2364

Left: Loving China is not equal to loving the CCP

Left: Withdraw from the CCP and its affiliated organizations to stay away from politics
Right: (From left) A new China is born when there is no CCP; What is the use to make more people to join the CCP when the Heaven has determined to annihilate the CCP?

Left: The CCP's atheism is the poison that killed China's traditional moral values and ethics

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