Some Experiences from My Three Years of Cultivation in Falun Dafa

A Falun Gong Practitioner in Ireland

PureInsight | August 29, 2006

[] (2006 Experience Sharing Conference in Ireland)
"The Great Fa's vast spread, has stirred Heaven and Earth. Wicked
theories and deviant ideas retreat before it, not a trace left. The
sinister Party and its perverse doctrine, the Fall apart overnight.
With the turning of The Falun, a new century is born. "

Here I quote Master's poem to encourage us to cultivate together
diligently. I would like to share my experiences in cultivation with

My name is Yuexian. I obtained the the Fa after July 20th,
1999. Although I consider myself a Dafa disciple of the Fa
rectification period, I haven't done the three things that Dafa
disciples should be doing well. Sometimes when I look inside, I know
that I haven't melted into the Fa. I have acted very poorly sometimes
in personal cultivation; I'm too lazy to do the exercises, and feel
ashamed of this. During my three years' of cultivation, I could hardly
finish the second exercise, and even when I barely managed to finish
it, my movements would be less than what is required. I know that it's
very important to study the Fa and sometimes I can study quite a few
lectures in one day. But sometimes I did not study the Fa for several
consecutive days. I could never sustain a prolonged period of Fa study.
On top of this, during the first year, I clarified the facts to people
passively and didn't really know how to walk my own path in Fa
rectification and validate the Fa of my own.

1. Helping to rescue Dafa practitioners and expose the evils

It was at the beginning of 2005 when I was waited to be granted asylum,
that I become a genuinely Dafa disciple of the Fa rectification period.
A practitioner introduced me to working for the database to rescue
Falun Gong practitioners. At the beginning, I found it difficult.
Although this only requires some basic operations such as copying and
pasting, I took great pains to learn.

I still remember that I needed to stay up until 4a.m. to learn how to
operate the database with the help of a Canadian practitioner. During
that time, I did it everyday. Reading about Dafa disciples in mainland
China being kidnapped, their property being confiscated, being
blackmailed, illegally sentenced, brainwashed and persecuted I could
never stop crying. I have been working with the database for a year and
half now. What has really touched me is the extent of the righteous
thought that many Dafa disciples in mainland China have had - they are
so determined and diligent in that evil environment. In this relatively
easy environment, we really should be more diligent to reduce the
persecution in China

2. To clarify the truth using the media

I always wanted to do more to validate the Fa, but didn't know what to
do. I only went to the Chinese embassy to send forth righteous thought
even when I was relatively diligent. Thanks to Master and fellow
practitioners I was lead to clarifying the truth through the media. At
the beginning, I didn't have enough confidence, I thought I wouldn't be
able to do it, but fellow practitioners have always encouraged me.

The first programme I did for sound of hope was about an Irish Falun
Gong parade. A fellow practitioner wrote the report and gave me the
chance to broadcast it. I felt that it was not good enough since it was
only the first time that I had tried this. But the practitioner
encouraged me, she taught me how to edit and upload programmes.
Although it was 2a.m. when we finished the programme, we didn't feel
tired; we had strong righteous thought and tried our best to do the
programme well. Afterwards, I learned how to do interviews. Little by
little, I did better in studying the Fa and doing exercises. As soon as
I had a question I would ask. I am now finally in control of the basic
operations of sound editing. I am now able to broadcast news weekly.

During this period, some practitioners gave me very good suggestions
which helped me improve. After a while, I started to do interviews and
found more difficulties as I had to write the report and broadcast the
programme. If the interviewee speaks English, I have to first
translate. So I was really frightened with interviewing people and
always relied on others to write the news reports. Little by little, I
earned some experience and strengthened my righteous thought. Now I can
do the interview by myself. Master has given me the light and power to
do all of this. Thank you Master!

During this period, we often shared experiences with one another and
found that it was also important to study the Fa so that we could
guarantee the quality of work and clarify the facts properly. I have
decided to work hard now, I study the Fa every day with fellow
practitioners and share experiences. Then do the programmes. If we have
problems, we will solve it together immediately. We have also organised
interviews to clarify the facts about the organ harvesting atrocities
from living Falun Gong practitioners by the evil party. In short, we
use the media to reveal the evil and clarify the facts to Chinese
people in China.

Do not ignore self cultivation when clarifying the truth

Working with the media, I felt that my righteous thought have been
strengthened, and I have really became a Dafa disciple. However, how
can a cultivators upgrade comfortably? There are also conflicts in self

Over the past few years that I have been in Ireland, I continually
changed my job and where I was living. I would be exhausted, but
couldn't help changing my job. Six months ago, I realised that I should
be more mature. Only if my job and living environment are steady could
I become more solid in Fa rectification. Dafa disciples cultivate in
ordinary human society. I understood that I shouldn't continue to worry
about how I was going to live and create unnecessary tribulations for
myself. So I stayed in one job for seven months and everything was
fine. However, my attachment once again arose. This was tripped off by
colleagues saying to me: "Our wages never increase. I have worked here
for eight years and am still being paid the same amount as I was when
started." I began to feel uncomfortable and thought that with my
experience I could easily get a job that paid better wages. So I
started to look for another job and, after some interviews, found a job
as a manager. My attachments to fame and self interest developed. I was
very happy to have such a great job so that I could show off to my
family and friends! What a strong mentality of showing off! I explained
to my boss that I was quitting the job. He understood but the owner of
the business called me to speak with me and offered to pay me more and
promote me if I stayed.

My attachment to fame and self interest were again fanned. Initially I
didn't know if I wanted to quit the job. Fellow practitioners pointed
out my attachment. I realised that Master was giving me the chance to
cultivate and upgrade myself. I already had the job and they would have
to look for new staff if I left so I didn't want to cause them any
trouble. But I felt that I was staying for the increase in salary.

I knew that if I explained things to my boss that he would understand
me. The conflict let me see so many attachments that I did not know I
had. It was just like what Master said:

"For a cultivator, all the frustrations he comes across among everyday
people are trials, and all the compliments he receives are tests."
(From "A Cultivator is Naturally Part of It" in Essentials for Further Advancement)

The other day, a fellow practitioners saw my attachment and kept
pointing it out. I was not comfortable with this and didn't want to
listen. I thought that the practitioner had the same attachment as
mine, only stronger. But I realised that I was not being compassionate.
Master said in "Teaching the Fa in the City of Los Angeles:"

"Cultivation is about looking inside yourself. Whether you are right or
wrong, you should examine yourself. Cultivation is about getting rid of
human attachments. If you always reject reproaches and criticism,
always point your fingers at others, and always refute others'
disapproval and criticism, is that cultivating? How is   
 that cultivating? You have grown used to focusing on other
people's shortcomings, and never take examining your own self
seriously. When others' cultivation one day meets with success, what
about you? Isn't Master hoping that you are cultivating well? Why won't
you accept criticism, and why do you keep focusing on other people? Why
not cultivate inward and examine your own self?"

Master's lecture explained it to me clearly. I should appreciate the
fellow practitioner who pointed out the attachment for me. Afterwards,
I sincerely thanked the practitioner with a pure heart. But these
tribulations have come again and again. I know now that I felt
uncomfortable because I haven't cultivated well in the past and haven't
completely given up my selfishness. However, I know I can pass this.

I have found that I have wasted a lot of time and for this I feel very
ashamed. But I will work hard at this last stage. Irish Dafa disciples
are one body and we should cooperate well. Don't let go of this last
chance to save sentient beings.

In the article "To the European Fa Conference in Stockholm," Master encouraged us:

"Everything in the world was established and created for the
Fa-rectification, and Dafa disciples are the great figures of our time.
Since ancient times the beings     in all realms have
been waiting in anticipation. Gather up and rescue the beings that you
are to save! Have righteous thoughts and righteous actions, dissolve
all hindrances, and spread the Facts widely. Divine beings are among

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