End the Persecution with Actions

Rong Zhenwen in China

PureInsight | September 26, 2007

[PureInsight.org] One of the
frequent discussions among Dafa disciples recently has been about how
to end the persecution. Many good points have been made. Here I would
like to share a few of my shallow understandings and invite fellow
practitioners to kindly point out anything inappropriate.

The persecution should not have happened in the first place, but it did
because of the old forces' arrangements. Dafa disciples have suffered
the most brutal and vicious atrocities for eight years and gradually
matured through the process. It has not been an easy thing to do and is
rather a marvelous accomplishment. Then again, if everyone had a clear
understanding of the Fa from the beginning of the persecution, if we
had believed in Master, had faith in the Fa, maintained righteous
thoughts and actions, put aside personal attachments and fear, refused
to cooperate with the evil in all circumstances and left no loopholes
for the evil to take advantage of, things would have been different. We
would have achieved what Master said "If a person is completely in the
Fa no one can touch him." ("Teaching the Fa in San Francisco, 2005") If
all of us maintained strong righteous thoughts, would the evil dare to
touch any of us? Wouldn't the persecution have ended accordingly?

Now I would like to talk a little about the path I took during the eight years of persecution.

I obtained the Fa in 1997. Needless to say, my physical health changed
greatly after that. I would like to emphasize how I passed my
tribulations during the evil persecution. For the past eight years, in
the face of persecution, I never had the attachment of fear, because
there is nothing wrong with cultivating according to the principle of
"Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance." I knew the Fa was good and
was determined to cultivate to the end and never look back.

Cultivation changed my view of the world. I was a senior member of the
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) before. After obtaining the Fa, I never
again believed in the whole string of lies from Communism. The
Persecution of Falun Gong started on July 20, 1999. When the evil was
at its maddest, some practitioners said, "If Falun Gong and the CCP
come into conflict, I will give up cultivation."

I told them firmly, "Falun Gong and the CCP definitely will come into
conflict, because the CCP believes in atheism while Falun Gong is a
cultivation of Buddhahood and the Dao. How could there be no
conflicts?" As the persecution escalated, practitioners who held on
firmly to their beliefs kept on cultivating. Many were arrested. Some
were sent to brainwashing classes and others detained.

I was also arrested and sent to a detention center. Followers of the
evil force threatened and harassed me. They expelled me from my job,
stopped my pension and tried to force me to write a guarantee statement
to give up the exercise. I refused all their coercion. They saw that I
was firm and steady, so went ahead and extended my stay at the
detention center. After more than a month of detention, the Secretary
of the Committee for Disciplinary Inspection interrogated me in person.
Nevertheless, I still would not write the "guarantee statement." They
kept telling me, "Falun Gong people act against the government. You
have to practice the exercise when it is forbidden. What purpose are
you trying to achieve?"

I answered them with the following. First, Falun Gong is not interested
in political power. Second, as for any purpose, it is what our Master
said in the Fa-rectification formula, "The Fa rectifies the Cosmos; the
Evil is completely eliminated." Third, "Beyond the Five Elements, and
Leaving the Three Realms." After cultivating in Dafa, a practitioner's
body is replaced with high energy matter, therefore he will not acquire
any illness, nor is he restrained by the principle of "Birth, Old Age,
Disease and Death." A Dafa practitioner reaches consummation through
cultivation and returns to his own heavenly kingdom where no suffering
exists. This is the ultimate goal of cultivation.

After learning the truth of Dafa, the Secretary sent me home. He changed jobs later.

In the winter of 2002, my wife and I were forced to attend the
brainwashing class set up by the police station in our district on the
occasion of the sixteenth National Party Congress. During our stay
there, I clarified the truth face to face to the 610 officials, the
staff at the class facility, and the specialists and professors who
gave the lectures. I exposed the evil with my wisdom, kind heart and
compassion. One time at the brainwashing class, we were forced to read
a book compiled by the evil CCP's Chinese Academy of Sciences, named
"Promote Science and Oppose Superstition." They asked practitioners to
make remarks afterwards. They thought no practitioners knew much about
science and none could speak up. If indeed no one spoke, that would be
acquiescence in their plot. Therefore, I, a seventy-year-old man, stood

I first contradicted their lecture by saying, "You only mentioned the
benefits of science and ignored the downside of it. Of course, the CCP
is known to report only what is good while concealing what is
unpleasant. My point is: Science today has brought serious problems to
mankind. In fact it has become the major element that restrains our
future development. It caused human morality to down slide at a
tremendous pace and we will only invite our own destruction if it goes
on like this." The policemen and staff at the class gave positive
comments about my words. A policeman poured water for me to drink
during my speech and asked me to keep going. The Fa gave me wisdom and
courage and I did what I should to validate the Fa at the discussion.

At the brainwashing class, newspapers were delivered to me that covered
the sixteenth National Party Congress being held then. I wondered why
they paid so much attention to me. There must be some motivation behind
this. It turned out that they wanted to use me as an example to
transform other practitioners. Therefore, it was not out of my
expectation when they finally came to me one day and asked if I had any
opinions regarding the Congress. I knew they wanted me to give good
comments on the Congress so that I could tell other practitioners.

I told them instead, "The sixteenth National Party Congress is very
unsuccessful." Then I went on to speak about the major loopholes
regarding the congress. Their plot of using the Congress to transform
and brainwash Dafa disciples failed.

Through practitioners' efforts in exposing the evil and clarifying the
truth, the brainwashing class could not be continued further, but they
still did not want to release us. It had been nearly two months since
the class started. How could we allow it to prevent us from assisting
Master with Fa-rectification and saving sentient beings? Fellow
practitioners decided to launch hunger strikes to demand our release.
By doing this we learned that there was a policy that stated that, if a
practitioner wanted to go home, he had to write the so-called "five
statements." No one could be released without the statements, and
whoever wrote them would be sent home.

Under the circumstances, I told the person in charge of the
brainwashing class that I would like to meet with the director of the
610 office. When he came, I asked, "Will you release me if I write the
guarantee statements?"

He said, "If you write them I will send you back."

I said, "But what I will write is different from the others. I will write the following:

1. I guarantee the statement "The Fa rectifies the Cosmos; the Evil is completely eliminated." will be fulfilled;

2. Falun Gong and the principle of "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance" will spread to the whole world;

3. The future of mankind is wonderful.

These are my guarantee statements."

The director became furious. He pounded the table angrily and said,
"I've talked to more than one thousand Falun Gong practitioners and
none was like you. Write what you wish." Then he left.

When the director of the brainwashing class asked me later if I wrote
the guarantee statements, I told him yes and I could write another copy
for him if he wished it. He said, "Forget it. These guarantee
statements are of no value to us." The next day, the brainwashing class
began to release practitioners unconditionally. For two days, one after
another, fellow practitioners' work units sent people over to get them
back, except for my workplace. There were some really evil people in my
workplace who did not want us back. They thought of our return as
equivalent to letting the tiger back to its mountain. However the
district police gave them orders and they had to send people over.

The district police knew it had been difficult with them and so warned
another practitioner and I, "The people from your workplace might want
to speak to you. Don't tell them anything. Just say you have improved a
great deal here."

Of course, I was called to speak to the director of the 610 office in
our workplace when he came at noon the third day. The director of the
brainwashing class was there as well. I told the 610 official, "You
sent us to this class. I improved a lot this time. Ask the director if
you don't believe me."

The director said, "So and so from your work place did very well here. Now I also obtained the Fa. I have already read the book Zhuan Falun eight times."

After the conversation, the police led us downstairs. The Party
Secretary at the police station, the director and vice director of the
station, director of the brainwashing class and all of its staff were
waiting for us. They stood in two rows and all shook hands and bid
farewell to us. Before we got into the car, they said, "From now on,
please do not force us to accept the viewpoints of Falun Gong and we
will not force our perspectives upon you guys as well. Let us stay in
our own water. You go back and practice your exercises well."

In the car, the manager of the hotel where the brainwashing class was
held asked us, "Are you gonna come back later?" We told him, "Never.
This is the first and last class that will ever be held." And so, the
brainwashing class set up by the district police was dismissed.

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