Buying Misfortune

Huang Xiaoping

PureInsight | March 16, 2008

[] Here's a
story I once heard. A millionaire fell into the water at a lake and was
yelling for help. A young man paddled a boat out to rescue him. The
millionaire shouted, while struggling: "If you save me, I'll give you
ten thousand dollars!" In just a little while, the millionaire choked
on water and got more panicked: "Come save me quickly. I'll give you
fifty thousand dollars!" Upon hearing this, the young man slowed down
rowing his boat. While he continued struggling, the millionaire kept
raising his reward: 100 thousand, 150 thousand, 200 thousand...The
young man rowed his boat unhurriedly, thinking by delaying rescuing the
millionaire, he'd receive more money from him. As the young man
indulged in his wishful thinking, a wave struck the millionaire. And he
sank into the water and didn't come out again.

The millionaire had never thought of his money only bringing him
misfortune. His ever-increasing reward only encouraged the greed of the
young man.

If any individual, any group, or any society uses money to buy popular
support and neglect to encourage, inspire, and awaken others'
conscience, or even disdain justice and love, that money will only
tempt selfishness and greed.  

Translated from:

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