A Few Thoughts

Lu Yi

PureInsight | December 17, 2001

As Fa-Rectification disciples, everything we have should be the most righteous. Every thought, action and word we say should be the most righteous. Everything should be assimilated to “Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance.”

We should eliminate evil constantly, whether it is the manifestation of evil on its deathbed, or deformed human notions. We should eliminate everything that does not meet the nature “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.”

Sometime we are dissatisfied with certain things. Sometimes we are not respectful towards other Dafa practitioners. Our many human thoughts mingle with jealousy, competing and fighting and complacency and are totally against “Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance.” We should be proud of every single genuine disciple. Why? Because we all have the predestined relationship to help the incredibly merciful Lord of Buddhas rectify the Fa during the Fa-rectification period. Because our predestined relationships present us the opportunity to create the new universe together. Because our predestined relationships allow us to be Fa-Rectification particles during the Fa-Rectification period. Most importantly, because our lives are assimilated to “Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance.” When we understand this, we will not feel dissatisfaction. Instead, we will become aware of the bad sides of ourselves when we encounter conflicts with other practitioners or hearsay about other practitioners’ wrongdoings. At the same time, from the bottoms of our hearts we will hope that the other practitioner will pass the tribulation soon so that we can strive forward together.

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