PureInsight | August 20, 2006
[PureInsight.net] We have a
group exercise site at the Qingxi Park in Taoyuan City in Taiwan. This
new park is located next to the Qingxi Elementary School. Looking from
a distance, its curved form is shaped like the posture of a
practitioner in the Falun Standing Stance exercise. Because the park is
big and spacious, we usually gather there every month when we have a
large-scale group exercises in Taoyuan region. Since the park is
located next to a main throughway, people passing by usually see a
hundred people doing exercises there.
We begin the exercises at 6:25 A.M. every morning in the park. Ms.
Jiang, a local assistant, said: "We began practice at the park on May
1, 2004. We have 3 or 4 people, up to about a dozen, doing exercises
together at the park on a daily basis. We do the exercises under a
covered passageway where weather conditions outside don't affect our
exercise. We also have group Fa study every Friday and have experience
sharing after we finish the meditation exercise. Even though the
experience sharing usually doesn't last long, we all speak out freely
to share our cultivation understanding.

Mr. Lu, over 60 years old, is the oldest practitioner at the practice
site. How he learned of Dafa shows he has a special predestined
relationship to Dafa. There is a Falun Gong practitioner living
downstairs of Mr. Lu's building. This practitioner always hangs a Falun
Gong banner on his front door, but Mr. Lu had never noticed it. One
day, while Mr. Lu's son was on a plane coming back to Taiwan from the
U.S., a Falun Gong practitioner gave him a copy of Zhuan Falun.
The son read half of the book on the plane and was very moved. When he
arrived home, he discovered that his father's downstairs neighbor hosts
a group Fa study at his home. Mr. Lu's whole family thus began to
practice Falun Gong.

Although Mr. Lu's son stayed at home in Taiwan for two weeks before he
went back to the U.S., Mr. Lu continues to go to the group practice
site every day. When he first started to do meditation, his legs were
in great pain and he almost gave up the practice. But through the
encouragement from other practitioners and his own persistence, he did
not give up. He now is usually arrives at the practice site the
earliest each day.
There are many stories behind every practitioner at the Qingxi Park
practice site. Next time when you past by there, you may want to join
them and have the most worthwhile experience of your life.
Translated from: http://www.zhengjian.org/zj/articles/2006/8/4/38850.html