Western Practitioner Stepping Forward: Clarifying Truth Overseas

PureInsight | December 10, 2006

Western Practitioner Stepping Forward: Clarifying Truth Overseas

[PureInsight.org] (Australian Fahui, 2006)
I would like to share about my cultivation experience of traveling
overseas to clarify the truth, while fulfilling the role of a Fa
Rectification Dafa disciple.   

Separation from the Body is dangerous

I have been involved in the work for the English Epoch Times for almost
2 years. This project has been very involving and requires dedication
on a continuous, weekly basis. There is no opportunity to "have a
break" or relax. Work for a media is unlike any other Dafa project in
that there is no definite start and finish time. At the same time the
requirements for our xinxing
are even greater, as every word, article, photo and advertisement that
goes into the paper carries our energy and is for saving sentient


"Don't overlook any of the things that Dafa disciples do. Your every
word, every flyer, every keystroke, every telephone call, and every
letter is having a huge impact. Beings that have come to understand the
facts become mobile media, and they too clarify the facts. It's had a
big impact on society." ("Teaching the Fa at the 2003 Midwest-U.S. Fa Conference")

However, there are also many loopholes that evil plants in our
cultivation path. Before EET I was involved in many other Dafa
projects, helping organize various events and Hong Fa activities.
However, as the EET work became more involved, I stopped participating
in other Hong Fa events. Soon the warped mentality of "I'm too busy"
and "I can't possibly do any more" and "Now that I'm EET I should not
openly do Dafa work" settled in. I failed to recognize that I was
separating myself from the main current of Fa Rectification. I had very
little contact with anyone outside of the EET team. Although on the
surface I appeared really busy, deep down I could feel that the gap was
getting bigger and I was falling behind in Fa Rectification.

This began to even manifest in my every-day work and responsibilities.
At one point I felt like every day was a battle against time. I was
constantly running late, attempting to catch up. The cycle was becoming
very exhausting. But at this point I realized that I must break through
this and step up. Raise my level and catch up.

Breaking through fear

Then one night, after finishing another edition of the EET, I visited a
fellow practitioner who began telling me how Singapore is in desperate
need of help. She said that all have been encouraged to go, especially

At that point I knew hardly anything about Singapore, besides that
there was a legal case going on and that practitioners were threatened
with arrests.   

When I heard her words, my immediate thoughts were: "No way. How can I
go? How can I arrange this with my everyday work? How will I explain
this to my family? What would they think?" All sorts of fears crept in.


But she kept encouraging me. And then I thought, "Well perhaps I can
go. I have enough money for the ticket and surely my work can be
arranged." There was a definite battle going on at that point, until I
said to myself: "I am going." From then on things began to change.

I was able to reschedule my work appointments without any difficulty.
The ticket was arranged in less then 36 hours. Talking to my family was
easier than I thought - I was firm, yet calm, explaining why I would be
going to Singapore, using it as an opportunity to clarify the Truth
further to them.

"One reason is that you don't know what their stuck point is, you are
unclear on the cause. Another thing is that when you clarify the truth
to your family, you always regard them as family, rather than as
sentient beings who are to be saved. You are a cultivator, and you are
above ordinary people. You know that in this lifetime you are family,
but did you know that in your previous life you might not have been?" ("Teaching the Fa in the city of Los Angeles, 2006")  

In the past I would get nervous and hesitant when talking to my family
about Dafa work, where as this time there was no fear at all. They
listened carefully and respectfully accepted the decision I made.

Five days later I was on a plane to Singapore.

Fulfilling my predestined path

When I arrived in Singapore I felt a bit anxious, not certain of what
my role was. So much seemed to be going on, but where do I fit in?
However, once I took a step back and stopped pursuing what I wanted to
do, everything fell into place. Being one of only two Western
practitioners there, Master arranged for me to assist the legal case by
transcribing the court proceedings.

While in the court room, the power of One Body cooperation was immense.
We focused our righteous thoughts on all officials present. Some of us
focused on the judge, some on the prosecutors, some on the translator.
The coordination and cooperation between practitioners was effortless
and smooth.


Besides my duties in the court room, I also took the opportunity to
fulfill my direct responsibility as an Epoch Times reporter, conducting
interviews and writing reports on the progress of the case. 

Throughout the 2.5 days that I spent in Singapore it felt like a
constant struggle was going on. The evil's pressure was immense. In
order to stay focused and not lose a single second of the day, I
continued to send forth righteous thoughts. I repeatedly reaffirmed in
my mind that I only accept Master's arrangement and will not follow the
old forces tricks. Whenever I slacked off, I consciously reminded
myself to stay firm and not give in to the demons.

One body has no boundaries

While in Singapore I also enlightened to the vastness of the Dafa
particles. No matter which part of the world we are in, we are One Body
and our things are their things, just like their things are our things.

This was particularly evident when considering the legal cases. While
the Australian banner lawsuit was going through tribulations and the
practitioner's maturity was being tested, the Singapore practitioners
also faced obstacles in their case.

All the trouble appeared to revolve around the lawyer's inability to
represent the case in court. However, rather then looking externally,
the practitioners really searched within to see what has caused this
situation. It was truly humbling to see some of the key coordinators of
the case openly admit their shortcomings, which pointed to human
notions, sentiment and attachments to self.    


The whole experience of traveling to Singapore was a wake up call - for
the first time in almost 2 years I felt once again a part of the
immense force of Fa rectification. And it is moving so fast! A single
deviation of thought will slow things down, yet a determined righteous
field will cut through and dissolve any evil minions, which remain in
this dimension.

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