Sandstorms and Heaven';s Rage

A Dafa Disciple

PureInsight | January 19, 2002

Abnormal weather phenomena in the human world are never accidental. It is not difficult to discover the reason behind it if one investigates the phenomena with a calm and unassuming heart. Since 1999, sandstorms and dust storms have occurred frequently in Mainland China, particularly in Beijing. They are the consequences of the Chinese Government’s evil, inhuman persecution of Falun Dafa.

The phrase, inhuman persecution, may remind many people of the Cultural Revolution. During those wild and turbulent years, human nature was distorted and people’s compassion repeatedly crushed. Faith in God or Buddha was violently persecuted, and temples were smashed. An opposite trend appeared wherein human figures became idols of worship. During those years, sandstorms and dust storms increased. Heaven’s laws still govern human society.

A brief review of historic records reveals a definite relationship between sandstorms and heaven’s rage over the degradation of society. Records indicate that in the past 50 years, two time periods had abnormally high rates of sandstorm occurrence in China. One happened starting in 1965, and the other began in 1999 and still continues. Three observations can be drawn from these records. First, the increase in sandstorms was dramatic and sudden, rather than gradual over an extended time. Second, the total number of annual sandstorms during these periods is much higher than average. For example, a normal year will have one or two (if any) sandstorms, whereas twelve storms raged in 1965, twenty (during the first peak cycle) in 1966, twelve in 2000 and at least ten (so far during the current peak cycle) in 2001. Third, the storms are larger. The areas covered by sandstorms in the last two years have historically been free of storms.

People won’t forget the two most evil periods in Mainland China, the Cultural Revolution starting in 1965 and the present period starting in 1999, when the Communist Party began its persecution of Falun Dafa. Sandstorms and dust storms serve as warnings.

The areas hit by sandstorms in the last two years are so vast that they are record-breaking. Storms have affected most regions north of central and lower Yangtse River, many times as far south as Jiangsu, Zhejiang and even Taiwan. In the northwest of Heilongjiang Province sandstorms, rarely seen for several decades, have occurred. Satellite pictures taken by NASA show that sandstorms starting from China have even flown over the Pacific to reach the U.S.

The large area corresponds with the evilness of the Chinese government’s persecution of Falun Dafa. Behind its walls, it has resorted to all possible nefarious means to torture Falun Dafa cultivators. As Falun Dafa has spread rapidly and widely around the world, the evil force has attempted to export its dictatorship, offered money to newspapers to carry its propaganda, assigned embassy diplomats or spies to harass Falun Dafa disciples overseas and stirred up hatred of Falun Dafa among overseas Chinese.

It should be pointed out that regardless what human beings believe, higher beings in the universe do exist. The sandstorm aberrations are warnings sent by gods. “Heaven’s net is so immense and neat that it never misses.” Those evil perpetrators who have persecuted Dafa cultivators are doomed to punishment. One needs to be compassionate to perceive warnings from heaven. Those with a wrong thought or those accepting the evil lies will be dragged into an abyss. Let us hope that all compassionate people will see heaven’s warning in the abnormal weather and take the correct path of life.

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