• Three months ago, I felt a pain in my waist after practicing meditation. I looked inward to find out what I had done wrong to cause the pain. After searching for a long time, I still couldn't find what went wrong. I am so sad. As the pain worsened, I had a fear: why are old practitioners…
    A Dafa Disciple in Heilongjiang, China
  • Master said in Zhuan Falun, “To tell you the truth, the entire cultivation process for a practitioner is one of constantly giving up human attachments.” Having practiced for over twenty years, I do not know how many times I have cultivated myself to eliminate attachments. In the past, it felt like…
    An Oversea Dafa Disciple
  • The appearance of mobile phones in the Latter Day of the Dharma and the End Times replaces computers, televisions, currency, letters, etc. Although it makes communication more convenient, it also creates a distance between people. Ordinary people may become less diligent at work, unwilling to do…
    A Dafa Disciple in China
  • After the Minghui Editorial Office issued a notice to uninstall WeChat, the vast majority of practitioners were able to uninstall WeChat. Some practitioners truly went through a heart-wrenching cultivation process before uninstalling it. Of course, in today's society, many units, schools, and…
    A Dafa Disciple in China
  • I was very anxious after reading the exchange articles between Minghui and PureInsight practitioners on finding their fundamental attachments. What are my fundamental attachments? After searching for a long time, I still couldn't find where my fundamental attachment was. Later I thought that…
    Jin Gang Zhi
  • As a disciple of Falun Dafa from Master's hometown, I feel fortunate to have obtained the Fa early; but regretfully, I am not adept at cultivation. After reading through the first edition of Zhuan Falun, my understanding remained at the superficial level of Falun Dafa promoting people to be…
    HuiJue, a Dafa Disciple from Mainland China
  • The purpose of writing about my two experiences - lessons of the attachment to YouTube and short videos - is to admonish myself and remind fellow practitioners: Do not indulge in the miscellaneous content on your phone, do not obsess over videos on YouTube, make good use of your computer, remove…
    A Dafa Disciple in China
  • One day, a high school classmate named F, whom I had not contacted for a long time, called me and asked me where I worked. I told him and hung up. The next day, classmate F came to my clinic by appointment. F was mentally ill, his right hand kept shaking, and his right leg kept shaking while…
    Ben Xin
  • I am a rural female disciple. Before I obtained Dafa, many conflicts arose because I often handled things improperly. It happened that my ex-husband had an affair again which hit me hard. I always felt the heavy pressure. In the end, I got sick all over my body, such as nephritis, sciatica, blurred…
    Drafted by Huarong, edited by fellow practitioners
  • I seriously started practicing Dafa in 2012. The following is my experience after obtaining the Fa. After obtaining the Fa, because I had been cultivating alone at home, I was focusing on cultivating on the surface: I studied several lectures every day, did the exercises, and did things to save…
    Shan Jia
  • Hello, respected Master! Hello fellow practitioners! I am a student of music major at Northern Art School. I would like to take this opportunity to share with you how I dealt with the tribulations and Xinxing tests I experienced during this time.
    An Overseas Dafa Disciple
  • I am a Dafa disciple in the mountainous area of Beijing. I started to practice Falun Dafa in 1998. During the more than 20 years of practicing Falun Dafa, the compassionate and great Master has been caring for me every moment, purifying my body, improving my Xinxing and enlightening me. I can'…
    Jin Liang, a Beijing Dafa Disciple
  • At the beginning of the Dafa practice, there were many times that I felt Fa study was so enjoyable, like being engrossed in a fascinating novel as long as I studied Fa after I finished practice. However, if I slacked off and did not practice but studied Fa directly, Fa study became mundane to me…
    Zhenxi, a Dafa Disciple in Mainland, China
  • The wakeup alarm in the mobile phone rang, reminding that it was time for morning exercise, but I still didn't get up, and continued to sleep soundly in my dream. Because I couldn't participate in the morning exercise, in my dream I fell from a height of 10,000 meters, and there was an…
  • I obtained the Fa when I was a student and started practicing Dafa barely with society’s influence. Before I practiced, I always thought that I do not have the attachment of jealousy, because I grew up in relatively good living conditions. When I was a child, my father often traveled all over the…
  • A few days ago, because of the hurtful words my husband said to me, I have been unwilling to forgive him in my heart. In fact, Master has repeatedly hinted at me that everything is caused by my own karma, and everything has a reason. But I am always blocked by this fake reality, unwilling to face…
  • Bi Hai is a new practitioner from Singapore. In April, a veteran practitioner encouraged her to read two precious books <Falun Gong> and <Zhuan Falun>, learn five exercises of Falun Gong, and begin to practice Falun Dafa. Surprisingly, she could clearly feel the powerful blessing of…
    Bi Hai in Singapore
  • Currently, many Falun Dafa practitioners are experiencing symptoms of fever and cold. How should cultivators view this phenomenon?
    Zhen Han
  • I started to practice Falun Dafa in 1996. In the beginning, because I did not understand the Fa deeply, I did not have a clear understanding of the principles of the Fa, so it looked like I was not very diligent. Once I experienced dizziness, and Master helped to adjust my body. At that time, I…
    Yiran, a Jilin Dafa Disciple
  • I have read many articles about resentment shared by fellow practitioners. Upon searching online, I found that resentment means strong dissatisfaction or hatred. In cultivation, we know that resentment is something we should not have, just like jealousy. It is unkind and intolerant, and goes…
    A Dafa Disciple
  • Master said in Fa Teaching at the 2009 Washington DC International Fa Conference, "For a cultivator, looking within is a magical tool." How to use this magic tool to look inward and cultivate ourselves? Every Dafa disciple has one’s own experience.
    A Mainland Dafa Disciple
  • Greeting Master, greeting fellow practitioners! I am a high school teacher. I obtained the Fa in 1997 and have been practicing Falun Gong for 25 years. On the road of cultivation, for nearly 20 years, I have been assigned to work as an assistant or lead on different projects. Looking back, this…
    A Dafa Disciple in Taoyuan, Taiwan
  • Hello, benevolent Master! Hello fellow practitioners! It is my life choice to practice Dafa in this life, and it is my prehistoric vow to be a Dafa disciple who assists the Master in Fa-rectification! So I have been practicing for more than 20 years, and I have strictly followed the Master…
    A Mainland Dafa Disciple
  • When we ate carp one night, a fishbone got stuck in our son's throat. He stuck his fingers down his throat and could touch the fishbone, but he couldn't pull it out. Again and again, he tried in vain to remove the bone, coughing and spitting. Our whole family was very anxious, we were…
    A Dafa Disciple
  • In the past, I was a well-known old patient in my work unit. I spent thousands of yuan on medicines every year. After practicing Dafa, my serious illness disappeared completely, and I looked like the youngest person in my work unit. Here I write about two distinct changes that appear in the body.
    A Dafa Disciple from Mainland China
  • After cultivating for more than 20 years, I found that I didn’t know how to cultivate, and I didn’t cultivate solidly. My cultivation was only on the surface, my resentment was not removed, and jealousy was very strong. My conducts manifested strong Communist Party culture, which manifested my…
    Gui Zhen, a Falun Dafa Practitioner from HeilongJiang Province, China
  • When I was in China, I never thought about memorizing the Fa, because I felt that studying the Fa by means of reading was already very good, and it was always easy for me to calm down to study. I also often felt surrounded by energy. After moving overseas in 2005, from the very first time I studied…
    Ming Xin
  • A few days ago, I saw an experience-sharing article by a fellow practitioner on breakthrough of doing the second exercise (Falun Standing Stance) for two hours. After reading it, I deeply felt that experience was very similar to mine, so I also want to share with fellow practitioners.
    A Dafa Disciple in Mainland China
  • Many miraculous things have happened to me during my more than 20 years of practicing Falun Dafa.
    A Dafa Disciple in China
  • I am a veteran practitioner who started practicing Falun Dafa in 1995. Not long after I started practicing, when I just got home after from getting off work, my wife scolded me for no reason, and I immediately thought of Master's teaching in Zhuan Falun, "That’s because whoever the karma…
    Orally relayed by a Dafa disciple in China, transcribed by another practitioner
  • I was born into a military family and most of the men and women among my peers and my father's relatives had military experience. In my maternal family, most of the men except for those who studied in colleges and universities, were in the military. My father and mother worked in a "…
    Shanyong, a Dafa Disciple in Mainland China
  • I am eighty-seven years old this year. Before I started practicing Falun Gong, I had illness all over my body. From the inside to the outside, there was no good place from top to bottom. I became a medicine basket. Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine could not cure my illness. I was…
    Fa Sheng, a Heilongjiang Dafa Disciple in China
  • Since August 2020, I felt painful in my right knee, and it worsened within a few days. What was the matter? I increased my practice of the five exercises. After afternoon Fa study, I practiced an extra hour of the Falun Standing Stance exercise. Although the pain alleviated a little, it was still…
    A Dafa disciple in China
  • A while ago, practitioner A asked me to help buy a laptop for practitioner B to make truth-clarification materials. I went to the computer store, looking for a computer that met the specifications outlined by practitioner A.
    A Falun Dafa Disciple in China
  • Greetings, revered Master! Greetings, fellow practitioners. Recently, I found out about an invitation to submit experience-sharing articles for the Zhengjian website’s 20th anniversary. I was inspired. If one’s article were not published, would one still keep going? If one does not feel…
  • Greetings, Master! Greetings, fellow practitioners! When I saw the announcement concerning Pure Insight's 20th Anniversary Submission, I really wanted to participate. I am a veteran practitioner who started practicing Falun Dafa in 1995, but I was not diligent in cultivation before.…
    A Dafa Disciple in China
  • As soon as I got notified of the upcoming Fa Conference, my first thought was to write an article to validate Dafa. For long periods, I reckoned that it was late for me to obtain the Fa and I did not cultivate well. Now I realized that these human notions should not become the obstacles in my…
    Bai He, a Canadian Dafa Disciple
  • One night in the summer of 1997, I had a vivid dream that I was standing before a Buddha's foot. I couldn't see the top of the Buddha's toes at my height. The big Buddha opened his eyes slightly, looking down at me. And then a small golden Buddha flew from far away and slowly melted…
    A Dafa Disciple in China
  • I was a teacher and used to consider myself an atheist. During a vacation in 1983, seven of my classmates traveled to Mount Emei together and visited countless temples. Because I didn’t believe in gods, I said some outrageous words, which caused anger.
    A Dafa Disciple in China
  • Master said in Zhuan Falun, “To tell you the truth, the entire cultivation process for a practitioner is one of constantly giving up human attachments.”
    Qing Lian
  • Greetings Master! Greetings fellow practitioners! I am a veteran disciple who started practicing Falun Dafa in 1996. I am 56 years old this year. When I was a child, I liked to watch acrobatic performances, and I imitated them when I got home. I used to stretch my legs, so I could meditate in…
    Jing Lian
  • Greetings, esteemed Master! Greetings, fellow practitioners worldwide! As a Fa-rectification period Dafa disciple, it’s an honor for me to report to Master and share my thoughts with fellow practitioners. Now I would like to share my 23-year journey of cultivation.
    A Dafa Disciple in Liao Ning, China
  • On Jan 23, 2022, when nearing Chinese New Year, Falun Gong practitioners from Yilan County got together to do group exercises at Yilan Sports Park. They respectfully wished Master Li a Happy New Year and chanting Falun Dafa is good, and Zhen-Shan-Ren (Truth-Compassion-Forbearance) is good.
    Dafa Disciples from Yilan County, Taiwan
  • I am just an ordinary Dafa practitioner. I have been practicing Dafa for 19 years. Every ordinary practitioner like myself has extraordinary experiences and stories. Disciples' every step of growth, improvement, and spiritual purification are inseparable from Master's compassionate…
    Dongfang Zihui, a Dafa Disciple in Hebei Province
  • I obtained the Fa in 1996 and I am in seventies. Since July 20, 1999, I have been repeatedly persecuted and imprisoned for over 13 years. Thanks to Master’s compassionate care, my faith in Dafa stays firm. The following are my cultivation experience in the past 25 years.
    A Dafa Disciple in Mainland China
  • I obtained the Fa in July 2009. In mid Feb 2021, my father passed away at the age of 102. I would like to share my experience.
    A Taiwanese Dafa Disciple
  • Greetings, compassionate Master! Greetings, fellow practitioners! What is meaning of the word “cultivation practice”? Master tells us in The Great Way of Spiritual Perfection, “Dafa requires both cultivation and exercises, with cultivation taking priority over the exercises”. It has been 22…
    A Penghu Dafa Disciple
  • When I read Master’s new scripture "Wake Up," my heart felt abuzz, my tears could not stop flowing. Disciples will follow Master as the Fa rectifies the human world. It's such an honor that Master has bestowed upon all disciples. Master is perfecting us, forging us, and allowing…
    A Dafa disciple in Hubei
  • Greetings, revered Master! Greetings, my fellow practitioners! I am at the age of 24 and come from Michigan, U.S. It was such a fortune that I started to practice Dafa with my mother when I was aged two. I would like to share my experience of removing attachments in my work environment.
    A Falun Dafa Disciple in the USA
  • Greetings, compassionate Master! Greetings, fellow practitioners! I’m a young practitioner and was born in a Dafa Disciple’s family. When I was babbling to learn language, my parents taught me to recite Hong Yin and to study Zhuan Falun. In recent years, my parents and I came overseas and…
    A Canadian Dafa Disciple